Health & Medical Parenting

Michael Scott Ioane On Us Citizen

Michael Scott Ioane is clear in his belief that the Citizens of the US have been violated. Not just, privacy or taxation "" to which many would concur. He believes that administrative bodies that hold the basic amenities of being a US citizen in very low esteem have debased these citizens who said bodies claim to be operating in the interests of. The nave umbrella of governmental protection, that most American"s blissfully sit under is what Michael S Ioane is working to expose, and allow the real truth of this rain to pour out on to American faces.

According to, Michael Scott Ioane, the real problem with these agencies is their sheer negligence and lack of respect for the people. A complete loss for the basic values that this country was founded upon; he clearly has no contempt for the intent of the government, but holds a full disgust for the way in which they have chosen to carry out policies and whom they have chosen to fulfill their positions. He sees these agencies, as bodies that work for purposes that we the public are not aware of. They are operating in this manner, toward their objective "" but we have no real idea what the objective is, other than big pay checks and guaranteed pensions. And yes that, Michael Scott Ioane thinks is wrong

What to Expect from the Book Boston Tea Party by Michael S Ioane

In his preface, Michael Scott Ioane calls the readers to seek more than what they have been given. He says to his readers, "In today"s world knowledge is power, and how to harness and give respect to the knowledge you are about ready to acquire will require a tempered attitude and dedication toward reaching the goal that may not be covered in this publication." He is stating here that true power comes from gaining more knowledge, the type of knowledge is not what"s important here, is the desire for the that knowledge. And he adds that not only having knowledge is power, but being able to "harness" it is, or brings to fruition some kind of action based on what is that you discern. It does know enough to simply be given something, like information, you must have a fire inside your own self to do something with what you know.

Purpose of Publication

In this book he reveals some powerful information that he is simply asking readers to not take so lightly. The information he makes public is not intended to be used harmful purposes. On the contrary, his aim is to ignite an inspiration into the people to look beyond what is presented and to ask for more. He calls Americans to not just be satisfied with what, but to dig deeper and ask, "How?" "Why?" and "What for?" To not make decisions based on things we don"t even know. He calls us to find out and seek answers. This book"s relevance goes far beyond even its content. What Michael Scott Ioane is teaching in this publication is the tenacity to expect more and to seek answers and to more importantly, develop a true hunger for asking questions

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