Emergency Kit for Schools
It's important for schools to have emergency kits, fire extinguishers, and emergency escape maps in the classroom. Schools must be prepared for disasters just in case they have to tackle a major incident like a fire or something small like cuts and scrapes on a child. Emergency kits attend to first-
Signs & Levels of Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion occurs when the core body temperature becomes too high, due to high heat and humidity, overexertion or dehydration. Three levels of this heat related condition exist. The first is heat cramps, followed by heat exhaustion and then heat stroke, which can be fatal. Recognizing the sympt
Pressure Ulcers Colonized by MRSA as Bacteremia Reservoir
Are your patients with pressure ulcers hosting a MRSA party - and inviting everyone?
Patient Teaching Topics
Learning how to test blood sugar is important for a diabetic.Diabetic Tools image by painless from Fotolia.comThere are many instances where teaching a patient how to properly care for their conditions is warranted. In order to regain some of their health or learn how to cope with their...
The History of Band-Aids
Chances are, you have had a BAND-AID placed on a skinned knee or elbow sometime in your life. But who came up with the idea of a bandage that sticks to your skin, and not to your cut? Turns out, it was a man with an accident-prone wife.
Foreign Body, Vagina Treatment
WebMD provides first aid information in case an object becomes lodged in the vagina and cannot be easily removed.
How to Treat a Burn on the Fingers
A burn is always uncomfortable and often painful. This is especially true when the burn is on your hands or fingers, which are used frequently. For minor burns, taking these steps can soothe the pain and promote healing.
How to Treat Stinging Nettles
Stinging nettle is a herbaceous plant that produces a poison to protect itself. When you accidentally brush up against this spiky-leaved plant, the tiny hairs on the underside of the leaves and the plant's stem break off and lodge into your skin where they release formic acid, a histamine that cause
How to Find Doctors Who Accept Medicare
Now that you've retired, your years of hard work have entitled you to coverage under the nation's Medicare program. When your physician agrees to accept Medicare, he accepts their allowed amount as full payment. You are not responsible for anything over the approved amount. Health insurance through
FOAM and the Era of Online Medical Education
Learn about FOAM's continually expanding database of resources for medical education: podcasts, blogs, videos, modules, Facebook groups, and Twitter feeds.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Vs. Adjustable Gastric Banding
Is gastric bypass or gastric banding more beneficial for obese patients with fatty liver disease?
Treatment for Grease Burns on Your Hand
Grease burns are labeled as scalds because they are inflicted by hot liquids. The pain accompanied by a hot grease burn can range from mild to severe, but all types should receive aid.
Early Stages of Frostbite
Frostbite is a serious condition that may cause permanent damage to tissues, including the loss of fingers, toes or portions of the skin. It occurs when temperatures are low enough to cause the areas inside red blood cells to freeze, rupturing the cells and killing the tissue. Frostbite occurs in se
General Surgery Residency Inadequately Prepares Trainees
Are general surgery residents well prepared for fellowship after residency training?
Reversal of a Temporary Transverse Loop Colostomy?
What is the best way to handle closure of a temporary transverse loop colostomy in a patient with incisional hernia?
What Is a Surgical Wound?
Surgical wounds are normal parts of an operation and often do not take long to heal. Anesthetics make the wound painless, and pain killers can be prescribed afterward until the patient has recovered. State-of-the-art equipment allows surgeons to close the wound quickly.
Hospitalists Take Charge of Antibiotic Resistance
Hospitalists are key figures in promoting antimicrobial stewardship. What steps can you take to ensure proper antibiotic use in your hospital?
IV Diuretics in Acutely Decompensated Heart Failure
How do these strategies of IV diuretic administration for ADHF compare?
Bunionectomy Complication
Also known as a first metatarsal osteotomy, a procedure to remove a bunion is designed to eliminate the pain and discomfort when walking that can occur with a bunion. During the procedure, a bone is cut and repositioned, sometimes held in place with a pin or other device designed to promote stabilit
Ways to Pay Hospital Bills
Many people are burdened with trying to find ways to pay their hospital bills, and a little negotiating can go a long way. Many hospitals work with individuals to find options that work for both parties. Whatever you do --- don't ignore your hospital bills. Act as quickly as possible so that yo