Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

20 Reasons to Quit Smoking

Everybody who stops smoking has their own individual reasons for quitting.
Some quit for themselves while, others quit for the sake of their loved ones.
Regardless of what method you use to quit, one of the most important things is that you are motivated to succeed.
Otherwise, it is almost certain that you will fail.
If you have made several attempts to stop smoking but haven't been successful, it may be that you have failed to find the proper motivation.
This list of 20 reasons to quit smoking will provide some of the best benefits of becoming smoke free, and hopefully give you the motivation that you need to kick the smoking habit.
Your sense of taste and smell will get better.
Your will have improved circulation.
You will reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.
You will reduce your risk of lung, mouth, nose, and throat cancer.
You will breath easier.
You may have fewer headaches.
You will lower your risk of erectile dysfunction.
You will have increased energy and feel less lethargic.
You will be less stressed and generally more relaxed.
You will smell fresher.
You will improve the appearance of your teeth.
You will stop having yellow tobacco stained fingers.
You will age better.
Your loved ones can stop worrying about your health.
You will no longer be setting a poor example for your children.
You can stop feeling guilty for subjecting others to second hand smoke.
You will stop wasting money on cigarettes.
You may have a longer lifespan.
No more cigarette burns on your clothes/furniture/car.
You will experience the wonderful satisfaction of being one of the fortunate people who have successfully defeated their nicotine addiction.
These 20 reasons to quit smoking are just some of the many great reasons to stop smoking.
Possibly the best reason to quit smoking is that when you quit smoking, you will have improved your quality of life.
You will find that you tend to be less stressed, more calm and happier in general.
You will probably even discover that difficult times are easier to handle as a non-smoker, and that the things you enjoy in life are even more enjoyable when you are no longer a slave to nicotine.

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