Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Abstaining From Alcoholism

One-third of all Americans say that alcohol causes problems in their families, according to psychologist Dr.
Lawrence Metzger.
At least ten million Americans, or one out of every ten drinkers, are problems drinkers or alcoholics.
Most alcoholics have an inherited, genetic predisposition to the problem.
About half the alcoholics in the United States come from families where alcoholism was prevalent.
If one of your parents has a drinking problem, your chances of becoming an alcoholic are 30 percent higher than those of a person whose parent doesn't have a problem.
Your risk is five times higher if both your parents are alcoholics.
Though sometimes viewed as a weakness of will or lack of moral fiber, alcoholism is actually a disease, much like diabetes.
Both are chronic and progressive.
Chronic means that there is no cure, that the physical sensitivity to alcohol will last as long as the person remains alive.
And progressive means the symptoms will increase in number and seriousness as long as the disease is untreated.
For alcoholics, what began as an enjoyable activity eventually, over a period of years, starts causing problems, from bouts of uncontrollable drinking to serious and life-threatening health problems that can include gastric ulcers, liver disorders, heart disease, dysfunctions in the immune system, sexual dysfunctions, and destruction of brain tissue.
If you think that you or someone you know has a drinking problem, contact a local hospital or alcoholism treatment program for professional assessment.
The next step may be Alcoholics Anonymous, the highly successful (and free) 12-step program that combines self-responsibility with a strong support group.
Depending on how advanced the drinking is, checking into a three- to four-week inpatient hospital or private recovery program might also be beneficial.
Such a program, Dr.
Metzger notes, provides medical support in the event of serious withdrawal symptoms like seizures, puts space between the drinker and the people and places that may have promoted the drinking, and offers valuable education and counseling.
However, the cost of such a program can be as much as $10,000 a month, which is very impractical especially when your family is on a tight budget.
But you should also know that there are no shortcuts to regaining the perfect health condition that you have before alcohol took possession of yourself.
The process of quitting alcoholic tendencies will start from abstaining from it until your body can let a day pass by without craving for any alcoholic beverages.
Little by little, you will be able to live a life free from any urges to taste alcohol and that's the time when you can say life is just beginning for you.

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