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Battle of Fort Donelson

Battle of Fort Donelson

Want the fast facts about the Battle of Fort Donelson? Learn about the battle, its outcome, and its significance.
Battle of Dyrrhachium

Battle of Dyrrhachium

Basics on the Battle of Dyrrhachium


The Kalends was the first day of the Roman month.
What Events Led to the Russian Revolution?

What Events Led to the Russian Revolution?

Causes of the Russian Revolution 2 - What were the causes of the Russian Revolution?
Former Slave Frederick Douglass Became a Fiery Leader of Abolitionist

Former Slave Frederick Douglass Became a Fiery Leader of Abolitionist

Concise biography of Frederick Douglass, whose life was emblematic of the struggle of slaves and former slaves in 19th century America.
War of 1812: Battle of the Chateauguay

War of 1812: Battle of the Chateauguay

The Battle of Chateauguay was fought October 26, 1813, during the War of 1812. Advancing into Quebec, an American army led by Major General Wade Hampton clashed with French Canadian and Native American forces at the Battle of Chateauguay. In the fighting at Chateauguay, the Americans were defeated a
Operation Market-Garden

Operation Market-Garden

World War II consumed the globe from 1939 to 1945. This gallery includes a variety of pictures from World War II showing battlefields and notable locations in North Africa and Europe. The effects of World War II reshaped the global landscape and are still felt today. This photo shows Allied paratroo
Free Soil Party

Free Soil Party

Definition of Free Soil Party
A Picture History of Hairstyles in the Japanese Court

A Picture History of Hairstyles in the Japanese Court

Pictoral history of the evolution of hairstyles in Japan. Noble women throughout the ages followed many fashions in the court of the Japanese Emperor. See some of the different hairdos here.
Love is Wicked

Love is Wicked

Romeo and Juliet weren't literature's only doomed duo. An mythological general fell hard for a rival queen, but it didn't end well.
Louis XVI and Old Regime France

Louis XVI and Old Regime France

Pictures from the French Revolution - LouisXVI - Pictures and Images from the French Revolution - Louis XVI
Get to Know Atlas, the Giant Holding Up the World

Get to Know Atlas, the Giant Holding Up the World

Atlas is the son of the Titans Iapetus and Clymene, two of the twelve Titans. The battle Atlas led against Zeus took ten years after which the Titan was punished with holding up the heavens while the other Titans were consigned to Tartarus.
The Buraku - "Untouchables" of Japan

The Buraku - "Untouchables" of Japan

During the shogunate era in Japan, the samurai class sat atop a four-tier social structure. Below them were farmers and fishermen, artisans, and merchants.Some


Abolition was the movement to end slavery in America.
Lebensraum Definition

Lebensraum Definition

A definition of the term Lebensraum, from the Holocaust Glossary.
Aeneid Glossary

Aeneid Glossary

A glossary of major people and some places. in the Aeneid
DIY Indie-Style Art

DIY Indie-Style Art

Indie art serves as a niche for individuals who want to create something highly personal, yet non-traditional, to express themselves. Indie artists realize that expensive materials and resources are not needed in order to create great art. Instead, they challenge themselves to rely on everyday insp
Dearbhforgaill - A woman in 12th Century Ireland

Dearbhforgaill - A woman in 12th Century Ireland

The story of Dearbhforgaill is an extraordinary account of a woman's life in medieval Ireland. She is an example of Brehon law in practice. She was a wife, a mother and a lover, and she is of
Today in American History - November 2

Today in American History - November 2

Learn what happened today - November 2nd - in American History.