Taxes : Business & Finance

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How to Get a Tax Receipt for Thrift Store Donations

How to Get a Tax Receipt for Thrift Store Donations

Charity thrift stores accept donated items to sell to the public, and use the profits to fund service projects. Donating to a thrift store helps you get rid of gently used items and might also get you a tax deduction -- if you choose a shop that is a qualified charity under US. tax law. A donation r
How to Donate Your Car in Bend, Oregon

How to Donate Your Car in Bend, Oregon

Donating a car in Bend, Oregon allows you to both get rid of a vehicle at no cost to you while helping those less fortunate. Donated cars may be sold and the funds given to a charity or the vehicle may be given to someone in need. Cars do not have to be in running condition to be donated and may eve
Home Equity Loan Recourse Laws in Florida

Home Equity Loan Recourse Laws in Florida

States that have laws preventing lenders from going after borrowers, or some borrowers, for more money after foreclosure are known as "anti-deficiency" states. Florida is not one of them. In Florida, all mortgages are considered recourse, meaning lenders can pursue deficiencies, unless they are spe
Tax Breaks for Waiters

Tax Breaks for Waiters

Waiters and waitresses need to keep clear records of their earnings and work related expenses for tax purposes. Unlike many salaried employees who work regular, 40 hour work weeks, waitstaff works odd hours, make different amounts of money every shift and often pool or share their tips with other em
Are Computer Income Tax Programs Safe?

Are Computer Income Tax Programs Safe?

A day doesn't go by when some companies security is breached and sensitive customer information stolen by hackers.So, are computer income tax programs a safe way for you to complete your taxes?
Statute of Limitations for Virginia State Income Tax

Statute of Limitations for Virginia State Income Tax

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Department of Taxation can collect income tax payments from residents within the allowable limitations periods. Under Virginia law, the Department of Taxation generally has three years to pursue tax collections against taxpayers. After three years, the Department
Do I Qualify for an IRS Offer in Compromise?

Do I Qualify for an IRS Offer in Compromise?

Whether or not you qualify for an IRS offer in compromise depends on many factors. While this is something that many taxpayers are interested in, not all of them qualify. In fact, only 10 to ...
How to Search for a Tax Preparer

How to Search for a Tax Preparer

Since tax laws change from year to year, it's wise to hire an experienced tax professional to properly prepare your tax return. Depending on your needs and tax situation, a professional tax preparer may provide personal tax planning for you and your business or speedy service for basic tax returns.
Where to Donate My Used Car In Anchorage, Alaska

Where to Donate My Used Car In Anchorage, Alaska

Used cars can be donated to a charity whether they are currently running or not. The charity will repair the cars and auction them off to the highest bidder. The charity keeps the profits after all appropriate fees are deducted. If you currently live in Anchorage, Alaska, you can choose from several
Ad Valorem Duties

Ad Valorem Duties

An ad valorem duty is a levy on an imported item, assessed according to its value.coins image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.comAd valorem is a Latin phrase meaning "according to value." An ad valorem duty is a levy that operates in contrast to the operation of a specific duty. A...
Personal Property Taxes- Resource About Personal Property Taxes

Personal Property Taxes- Resource About Personal Property Taxes

As you search for personal property taxes related information or other information about boat registration or assessed property taxes, take your time to view the below article.
QNUPS And Taxes

QNUPS And Taxes

QNUPS offers immense tax benefits to offer. Apart from doing away with the IHT, it allows you to ward off many local taxes and Capital Gain Tax.
Comprar SuInformacion De Seguros De VidaTexas

Comprar SuInformacion De Seguros De VidaTexas

La única forma de encontrar seguros de vida de Texas competitivos y agentes hispanos con el conocimiento necesario para poder ayudarle a obtener las pólizas de seguros de vida mas economicas del mercado. Nosotros te guiaremos, ir de compras para su próxima póliza de segur
How to Estimate Depreciation Expense on a Tax Return

How to Estimate Depreciation Expense on a Tax Return

Depreciation allows a tax payer to match revenue and expenses by accounting for the fact that a single asset may be used for several years. The easiest method for calculating depreciation is the straight-line, or linear method. For example, if your business purchases a used car for $5,300 that it ex
Do You Have to File Taxes on Federal Work Study?

Do You Have to File Taxes on Federal Work Study?

Federal work study is one of the programs administered by the Office of Federal Student Aid to assist students seeking to get a college education. Work study provides students an opportunity to earn money in convenient student assistant jobs. You can apply for federal work study when you fill out th
List of States Without State Income Tax

List of States Without State Income Tax

Out of 50 states and several territories that make up the United States, only seven states do not have income tax. An additional two states tax only personal income from dividends and interest revenue. Even though these states may not have an income tax, they have other ways of gaining...
How to Determine AGI for Multiple States

How to Determine AGI for Multiple States

Filing taxes for income earned in different states can be a challenge. The federal government taxes all income, regardless of which state it was earned in, but different treatment of earnings at the state level can cause confusion. Your federal AGI, or adjusted gross income, will include all income,
CPA, Tax Attorney, or Enrolled Agent: Which Pro Is the Right One to Take on Your Tax Troubles?

CPA, Tax Attorney, or Enrolled Agent: Which Pro Is the Right One to Take on Your Tax Troubles?

When you're in the market for a competent tax professional, the last thing you need is to choose the wrong one. So before you make a decision that could cost you dearly, make sure you understand the different types of tax help practitioners and how your particular tax issues would best be serve
How to Check the Status of a Georgia Tax Refund

How to Check the Status of a Georgia Tax Refund

Waiting for your state tax refund, especially if you need the extra cash, can be a frustrating experience. The state of Georgia allows residents to check on the status of their tax returns. This allows residents to determine the date they should expect to receive their refunds. According to the Geor
IRS Debt After Retirement - Don't Let Your Golden Years Be Tarnished - Part 1

IRS Debt After Retirement - Don't Let Your Golden Years Be Tarnished - Part 1

You've spent your entire life working.Now that you're in your golden years you're ready for a well deserved retirement.Maybe you want to take a trip, or spend time with your grandkids.Maybe you just want to start a garden.But the IRS may have other ideas regarding this time of your li