Taxes : Business & Finance

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Economic Growth & Tax Relief Act of 2001

Economic Growth & Tax Relief Act of 2001

The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 is a bill that was pushed by President George W. Bush during his first term in office. When President Bush was elected, he had an economic surplus and a Republican controlled Congress, and was able to fulfill his promise to cut taxes acro
March 27: More than 180 Local IRS Offices Open to Help Taxpayers

March 27: More than 180 Local IRS Offices Open to Help Taxpayers

March 24, 2010 -- The IRS announced today that Internal Revenue Service offices will be open, nationwide, on Saturday, March 27, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time, to help taxpayers. The location of ...
Can I File an Extension on the Federal Taxes I Owe?

Can I File an Extension on the Federal Taxes I Owe?

For most individual taxpayers, the federal tax return due date is April 15. If that date falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the due date is the next business day. In 2011, for example, April 15 falls on a federal holiday -- Emancipation Day -- and also a Friday, so 2010 federal tax returns are d
Federal Tax Deduction for Education Credits

Federal Tax Deduction for Education Credits

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers tax credits to individuals seeking to increase their knowledge through continuing education or degree programs. This includes single courses, degree programs and certification programs. Different classes and educational institutions may limit some education
Tax Deductions in a Federal Disaster Area

Tax Deductions in a Federal Disaster Area

Hurricanes, fires, tornadoes or flooding can lead to the federal government declaring your town a disaster area. That's significant if you've suffered damage: Residents of a disaster area can write off losses from the disaster on their tax forms. You can claim casualty losses even without a declarat
How Businesses Benefit From Tax Planning

How Businesses Benefit From Tax Planning

Make sure your business benefit from tax planning. Read this article for more information.
Types of Tax Haven Arrangements and Offshore Tax Planning Misconceptions

Types of Tax Haven Arrangements and Offshore Tax Planning Misconceptions

The number of tax haven countries and territories that are available in the world is on the decline as more and more countries are signing international treaties...
Can These 4 Tax Tips From the IRS Save You Money This April 15th

Can These 4 Tax Tips From the IRS Save You Money This April 15th

The much Dreaded April 15th tax filing day is fast approaching.Here are 4 tax tips direct from the IRS that can help save you money and aggravation.
Income Tax in Australia

Income Tax in Australia

As with all taxation systems, the tax system in Australia covers a wide variety of different areas from import tax to income tax, but it is income tax that is the most important to Australian nationals and others residing in Australia. History of Income Tax in Australia Income tax first started in A
How to Check on a California Tax Refund

How to Check on a California Tax Refund

It might be difficult to find a California taxpayer that is upset about the fact they are receiving a state tax refund, and taxpayers receiving a refund from the California Franchise Tax Board are curious to know when they can expect their check. Taxpayers who mailed their return to the Franchise Ta
What You Should Know about Research & Development Tax

What You Should Know about Research & Development Tax

As a businessperson, you only want what is best for your business and you want it to achieve maximum profits at the lowest cost of operation. Your company can benefit a great deal from the services of
Tax Brackets in the USA

Tax Brackets in the USA

Jeffrey Hamilton/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesThe percentage of taxes paid increases as income increases. The income limits for each tax bracket are adjusted by the Internal Revenue Service to accommodate inflation. Tax brackets are based on taxable income and filing status. Tax credits...
IRS Gives Victims of Hurricane Katrina More Relief

IRS Gives Victims of Hurricane Katrina More Relief

The IRS has announced further tax relief for victims of Hurricane Katrina due to slow clean up efforts and obviously devastated areas.
Ovdi India Do You Know Your Options

Ovdi India Do You Know Your Options

Such pre-emptive OVDI India and negotiations must be dealt with by a professional Offshore tax lawyers, skilled in foreign compliance and delicate IRS negotiations.
The Average Salary of Probation Officer in Michigan

The Average Salary of Probation Officer in Michigan

Probation officers, also called parole officers, combine the jobs of a police officer and babysitter to monitor recently-paroled offenders as they make their way back into life on the "outside." Probation officers may help their charges establish residencies, find work as well as screen them regular
Lien on Property & Credit

Lien on Property & Credit

When you owe money to a creditor, one of the means that the creditor can use to collect the debt placing a lien on your property. While you can elect to place a lien on your property as collateral when applying for a loan, in some cases, a creditor can place a lien on your property without your cons
Investment Based Deduction

Investment Based Deduction

Budget 2009 has taken a new initiative by introducing the concept of allowing deduction under income-tax for investment made in a new business based on investment' and not based on profit earned'. It has inserted section 35AD allowing deduction of investment in specified businesses under t
What Legal Fees Are Deductible?

What Legal Fees Are Deductible?

Legal fees can sometimes be as painful as the circumstances causing their occurrence. Whether a one-time fee or what may seem a constantly diminishing retainer, these fees can quickly deplete even the most plentiful budget. Although many legal fees are not tax deductible, the Internal Revenue Servic
How to Get a Geothermal Energy Tax Credit

How to Get a Geothermal Energy Tax Credit

Geothermal heat pumps use the relatively constant temperature of the ground or ground water to act as a heat sink in hot weather and as a heat source in cold weather. As of 2010, geothermal heat pumps qualify for the 30 percent residential energy efficient property credit, according to the Internal
Can I Claim Foster Kids on My Income?

Can I Claim Foster Kids on My Income?

Congress knows it takes money to raise a child. This is especially true of foster children, some of whom have special needs or behavioral problems that require extra attention. Congress has therefore extended a series of tax breaks to parents, including natural parents, adoptive parents and parents