Keep Your Joints Healthy Every Day
Osteoarthritis pain need not limit your mobility. WebMD gives you simple tips for making life easier around the house.
Preventing ACL Injuries-References
A list of resources for information on Preventing ACL Injuries.
Quality Indicators for the Primary Care of Osteoarthritis
This article identifies a range of indicators for osteoarthritis that can be implemented into primary care.
The Year in Rheumatology: 2013
A look back at 10 important advances in the field of rheumatology this year.
For Those In Need Of Arthritis Pain Relief
With arthritis becoming such a common problem nowadays, the options for arthritis relief have expanded.There's now a wider choice of prescription medication available that can help bring arthritis relief.Over the counter pain relievers can also be very effective, if your arthritis pain is relat
What Is Joint Function?
It comes up a lot in study results. Researchers speak of joint function and how it is affected by diseases such as arthritis, or treatment for arthritis. What is joint function?
Oligomeric Matrix Protein Involved in Limb Development
Cartilage oligomeric protein is found mainly in the extracellular matrix often associated with cartilage tissue. Its role in the pathogenesis of OA is investigated
2 Gout Treatment and Its Side Effects - Part 1
Gout has always been a disease that has plagued man and also thought as a rich man's disease. Meat has been expensive during the times of antiquity. The proteins in the meat have been the trigger for serious gout pain and joint swellings. A build-up of uric acid in the blood causes uric acid to
Why Gout Relief Through Exercise is So Important
Gout relief doesn't just come from medications and herbal remedies, but also through taking appropriate actions, such as exercises, to minimize gout symptoms and prevent the condition from flaring up again.When a gout attack is brought under control, exercising is an important part of strengthe
Natural Cure for Joint Pains and Osteoarthritis
If you are currently suffering from joint pains, osteoporosis and other joint-related diseases, then you are part of the 140-million statistics in the United States. According to a study conducted by Maryland Medical Center, osteoarthritis or a condition wherein a joint cartilage degenerates is comm
Prevention and Cure of Gout
The main function of the kidney is to clean the blood so that it can be circulated and used for various reasons within the body. The blood contains so many substances, one of them being uric acid. The excess of uric acid in the blood system can cause harsh pains on joints. This rigorous pain on the
Depression Lurks for Low-Income RA Patients
Rheumatoid arthritis patients from lower socioeconomic groups are more likely to develop symptoms of depression than people who have higher incomes and better access to health care services, a new study indicates.
Will the Cost of Arthritis Care Bankrupt the US Economy?
As the American population ages, more and more people are living with arthritis- and paying for the treatment and relief of it. New results from a national survey find that those numbers are escalating quickly.
What Is Fibromyalgia?
WebMD provides an overview of fibromyalgia, including information on symptoms, diagnosis, and standard and alternative treatments.
Spondyloarthropathy Is One of a Group of Related Inflammatory Rheumatic Conditions
Spondyloarthropathy is a group of inflammatory rheumatic diseases that are closely related.
Arthritis Features Page
Find in-depth feature stories on Arthritis Health at WebMD
Gout Foods - Why Do They Also Prevent Other Diseases?
Once you have had a gout attack and you start paying serious attention to what your body is trying to tell you, you will be forced to start looking at what you eat and drink on a daily basis. That is of course, if you are an action taker!
Exercise for Rheumatoid Arthritis-Related Information
A list of topics related to Exercise for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
What Is Dislocation of a Prosthetic Hip?
Prosthetic hips are designed to mimic the function of a normal hips and provide near-normal ranges of hip motion. However, prosthetic hip joints have certain disadvantages, including increased hip dislocation risk. Hip dislocation is a risk factor inherent to prosthetic hip implants.
Dietary Tips for Osteoarthritis Treatment
Osteoarthritis is a common condition that affects the joints. It is most common in the elderly but has been widely linked to people who are overweight. There is no definitive cure for osteoarthritis, but there are many ways that one can help prevent and treat the condition. By far the easiest of the