Accidents & personal injury Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

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Trampoline Recall Sparks Debate about Safety of Child Toys

Trampoline Recall Sparks Debate about Safety of Child Toys

All parents want their child to live a long, safe, and happy life, but what happens when the objects of their affections – their toys – pose a threat to your child's safety?
Moving on From a Spinal Injury - Making a Claim

Moving on From a Spinal Injury - Making a Claim

The difficulties in coping both physically and psychologically in the aftermath of a spinal injury can be one of the most challenging hurdles out there. Learning to live without a function that almost everyone takes for granted is hard. But make no mistakes, this is not the end - there is a life bey
Zadroga Claim Is the Best Medicine for WTC Attack Victims

Zadroga Claim Is the Best Medicine for WTC Attack Victims

The James Zadroga Health and Compensation Act states that, all the employees, at and around the attack site, at the time of the 9/11 WTC attack, are required to get an adequate compensation from their employers, for all the injuries, discomfort and trauma caused to them due to the devastating attack
Brain Injury From Toxic Exposure

Brain Injury From Toxic Exposure

You don't have to have a concussion to have a brain injury. In fact, many brain injuries are caused by exposure rather than trauma, but these injuries are equally as serious. Toxic exposure can lead to a variety of brain injuries, including dementia, short term memory loss, loss of fine motor c
Motorcycle Crash Lawyer can get Compensation for Motorcycle Victims

Motorcycle Crash Lawyer can get Compensation for Motorcycle Victims

There is an old say that life is uncertain, so you should eat dessert first. No one expects to get in a crash and yet they happen every day, all over the country and you or someone you know could be n
Number Of Complaints Against On Hip Implants Surges In 2011

Number Of Complaints Against On Hip Implants Surges In 2011

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) got more than 5,000 complaints against sub-standard artificial hips since January of this year. According to an enquiry of national documents by th
How to Compensate For a Child's Injuries From a Car Accident?

How to Compensate For a Child's Injuries From a Car Accident?

In an ideal scenario, getting a compensation recovery for your child who has been hurt in the car accident would not require any legal action. The case would be resolved by an out-of court settlement through a minor's compromise. In reality, though, you may have to file for a lawsuit on behalf
Why You Need To Make A Claim For Personal Injury

Why You Need To Make A Claim For Personal Injury

These days' accidents are on the rise due to the hectic lives that we lead and everybody is at risk. If you have had an accident that was not your fault then you need to make an injury compensation claim.
Potential Air Bag Defect Dangers

Potential Air Bag Defect Dangers

The cars and trucks that are being built today are safer than those at any prior time in the fairly short history of the automobile. Since there is such a great potential for serious injury in the event of a motor vehicle accident, car buyers often dedicate much of their search to identifying which
Don't Fight Your Motorcycle Accident Insurance Claim Alone

Don't Fight Your Motorcycle Accident Insurance Claim Alone

When you are involved in a motorcycle accident your first concern should always be to immediately seek medical attention, because even if you don't think you are injured, those minor aches and pains can quickly manifest into serious complications, causing far more serious medical problems. Once
Need of Auto Accident Attorney

Need of Auto Accident Attorney

Many times people fill out an injury claim application, get an offer in the mail, and take it. Or they fill out a form and find themselves waiting months just to get more hoops to jump through.
Getting Experienced and Knowledgeable Mesothelioma Lawyers

Getting Experienced and Knowledgeable Mesothelioma Lawyers

Suffering from any malignant condition is not only painful and brutally traumatizing, but it can also be a serious drain on the victim's finances.
Traumatic Brain Injury - A Major Headache For Servicemen and Veterans

Traumatic Brain Injury - A Major Headache For Servicemen and Veterans

Soldiers fighting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are surviving wounds that would typically have been fatal in past conflicts. Many servicemen and women are suffering traumatic brain injuries, and these injuries are often overlooked or misdiagnosed.Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI often occurs as a re
Tips to Hire a Good Personal Injury Attorney

Tips to Hire a Good Personal Injury Attorney

Wondering what to do when you have been in an accident, a slip and fall, or a workplace injury? If you have already spoken with in insurance provider for your insurer, it may be time to consider a personal injury attorney.
Defective Helmets

Defective Helmets

When engaging in a sporting event that puts your head at risk for an injury, such as bicycling, skateboarding or using in-line skates, the use of a helmet may be employed. Helmets have proven to be key in protecting individuals from traumatic brain injuries and other serious consequences. However, i
Why You Should Hire The Right Attorney In South Florida

Why You Should Hire The Right Attorney In South Florida

You never know when you will get injured as accidents occur spontaneously and unexpectedly. Some crashes may be accidental, unintentional or a consequence of someone else's mistake or careles
No Win No Fee Compensation Claims - Fact Or Fiction?

No Win No Fee Compensation Claims - Fact Or Fiction?

When you are in a car accident or a bike accident, through no fault of the own, you are entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, vehicle repairs and pain-and-suffering compensation through the courts if you're claim is deemed with merit. If you're in an accident through no fault
Personal Injury 101

Personal Injury 101

Having a complete understanding of the basic factors involved in a personal injury case is the first step towards deciding whether or not you have a viable injury claim. Everybody gets injured in some regard at some point in their life, but the vast majority of these injuries do not give reason for
What You Should Know About Personal Injury Claims

What You Should Know About Personal Injury Claims

A personal injury can happen to anybody at anytime. You can have a slip or a fall while you go out shopping, or when you take a walk in your apartment, or you might fall in your work place. You can have serious injuries affecting your head, back or even the spine and neck. These can be due to poor s
A Good Personal Injury Attorney has Experience and Case Knowledge

A Good Personal Injury Attorney has Experience and Case Knowledge

Before contacting a personal injury attorney, you can check them out online through their own website. You should be able to find their practice areas, with descriptions, and important testimonial quo