Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Causes of Constant Coughing - Asthma

Asthma is easily recognizable by its shortness of breath and constant coughing.
It is an automatic reaction of the human body to specific allergens in one's surrounding environment.
Potentially, it can be one of the most troublesome respiratory diseases to treat.
Although an asthma sufferer may experience periods of normalcy, he or she can experience the shortness of breath and constant coughing at a moment's notice.
The difficulty in breathing is caused by involuntary contractions of the smaller airways within a person's lungs.
The most common allergens that trigger an asthma attack include dust, weather conditions, physical activity, perfumes, and certain types of foods.
Of this extensive list, the most common trigger is dust.
In order to prevent such attacks, a person must take extra precautions when it comes to limiting their exposure to these triggers.
There are many forms of treatment for the constant coughing caused by asthma.
Many patients are prescribed inhalers and oral medications that are designed to treat their attacks.
Some individuals employ the use of a breathing treatment machine, which breaks up accumulated mucus and phlegm in their lungs, allowing them to breathe much easier.
However, there are natural home remedies a person can use to minimize the frequency and severity of their asthma attacks.
For example, honey is often used a treatment for frequent coughing.
It coats the lining of irritated mucus membranes, which reduces the body's natural reflex to cough.
Similarly, figs are a common fruit used in asthma treatment.
When cleaned and soaked overnight in warm water, figs become rather adept at draining phlegm from the lungs.
In a similar manner, lemon has been found to be an effective treatment form for asthma.
The juice of one lemon should be diluted with water and drunk during mealtimes.
When safflower seed oil is mixed with one teaspoon of honey and taken once or twice a day, it can also be an effective form of treatment for asthma.
Because the mixture acts as an expectorant, it reduces bronchial spasms by coating the tenacious sputum.
These home remedies should not be used in place of conventional treatments for asthma.
When an asthma attack occurs, it restricts a person's airways and their ability to breathe.
In this type of situation, only modern medicine is going to be effective in allowing an individual to breathe.
However, these home remedies can be effective in treating the symptoms, like constant coughing that asthma produces.

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