Cancer, Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions to Help Survive YOUR Cancer Experience
Atlanta, GA, July 24, 2005: Cancer is a battle that requires all the tools of heaven and earth to fight.
These positive techniques are alternative medicine and atlernative healing for the mind.
Beginning your healing journey: 1.
Separate YOUR identity from the Cancer's identity.
You are a person, who is having a Cancer "experience.
" 3.
Recognize that an "experience" comes and goes! 4.
Your Cancer "experience" is your life's reset button!Learn from it.
Cancer may be in your physical body, however, it is NOT in your Soul or spiritual body!!! Cancer is a diagnosis.
Although it affects your life, it is NOT necessarily a life sentence.
Rather than fearfully accepting your diagnosis, do research! Knowledge is empowering.
Health Affirmations: A spiritual healing is different from a physical healing!! Your goal is integration and the balance of both to create allover well being and health.
Talk to your cells, your blood, your organs, your bones, etc, they are live entities!!!!!You are the commander of YOUR body! Take charge and command your cells to be healthy.
You do not have to accept and enable what's happening to them.
You may command the cells in your body that are here to serve your Soul! Cancel, Cancel, Cancel, Next, Positive!: Remember thoughts have ripple effects.
To stop every negative thought and action in your environment whether you think it, say it, or are in the field of someone else who says or does something negative.
POSITIVE PEOPLE ONLY!!! YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! You can erode all of the positive energy that you have generated by being in negative circumstances.
Do not repeat negative thoughts and actions or be in the presence of negative energies (ie "downer" individuals, no matter where, caregivers, friends, stores, phone calls, emails etc).
NEVER EVER OWN YOUR DISORDER & make it a part of your being! Anger: at your disease circumstances lowers the energy that you use to heal yourself.
Positive energy creates more healing energy.
Feeling Vulnerable: You are vulnerable, so admit it.
The key to your success is to accept your vulnerability.
By accepting your vulnerability you are dealing with reality, and can better understand how to protect and take care of yourself.
Accepting your vulnerability is a positive action.
It allows you to accurately assess your position's strengths and weaknesses.
Then you can plan a more accurate course of action based on fact, probabilities, and hope.
Being in denial is a false sense of security.
Denial leads to enabling poor or harmful choices and decisions that could create a worse scenario.
Being Overwhelmed: Is natural!The key to your battle is to limit the time that you allow yourself to be overwhelmed.
Set aside a few hours or no more than 3 days to get quiet with yourself to regroup mentally.
Shut out all "well wishers" and even family if necessary for a brief time.
Even a general needs time alone to "grasp" the situation at hand, to plan strategies, and to announce to the world the decisions he made.
When you just can't handle ONE >>>>MORE>>>THING! and you just don't have the stamina for ONE>>>MORE">>>THING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cry, rest, yell, read, whatever it takes, and sleep! Do something wonderful for yourself, and pray like crazy.
Those actions will get you through the overwhelming time period until you CAN go forward.
Don't feel guilty if you don't maintain a positive attitude all the time, especially when you aren't feeling good, or have just been given some new diagnostic information.
It doesn't matter how strong, resilient or good you are at coping with and handling what you are dealt, there will be times that are "downers', and that you are feel mentally distressed.
It is imperative that you take, and make, time to handle and mentally and emotionally process all that you have been dealt.
Do not be ashamed to feel overwhelmed.
Using this time wisely will allow you to gain more understanding, strength, and direction about your strategies for your life! Venting: "I'm SO tired of fighting.
"Isn't that the truth!Anyone who hasn't been there will not understand.
When all the actions, affirmations and attitudes and every "fighting" tool is just too much, take a break, and give yourself a break!You can verbally vent or cry, till it's all out! Crying is PERFECTLY OK!It's normal, and cleansing.
It's an energetic releasing.
It's clearing out the old grieving energy, to make way for the new positive healing energy.
Release the pain, the fear, your frustration.
Then you'll be refreshed to go forward with something positive.
:) Be Gentle with Yourself: It is imperative that you also be gentle with yourself, and require others to do so.
Every so often, announce and have a "Gentle Day.
" This day should be a mental, emotional, spiritual and physical "spa" day for the weary warrior in you.
You've earned it!!!You deserve it!! Even the strongest warriors need a foot massage, soft words, and hugs!Mark your "Gentle Day" on your calendar.
PLAN wonderful, soothing, pamper yourself events.
Balance, is as important as winning a battle! SO you "expanded" that strict diet for 5 minutes..
the joy you had with the sugar free ice cream, and the positive energizing feeling it gave you..
matters!!!!!Don't be so hard on yourself.
Don't get so caught up in surviving, that you forget to live! Don't forget to enjoy the fact that you ARE alive! Know as much or MORE than your Health Care provider so you can ask questions that YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON!!! And last but NOT least, Perspective: There is ALWAYS someone who is worse off than you..
and although you may not be happy with your current situation, they would be GLAD to trade place with you and your situation! Choose to "Experience" Cancer,Believe YOU Are,andBE the Survivor! You are invited to download our free pamphlet with excerpts from this book.
We hope this pamphlet will help your healing journey.
"Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions to Help Survive Your Cancer Experience" ISBN#: 978-0-9766370-0-4.
at http://www.
com/ or http://www.
htm Feel free to reprint this article in it's original format with the disclaimer.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Brent Atwater Box 475 Southern Pines, NC 28388 Atlanta, GA 1.
9022 USA NC Office: 1.
5206 USA email: Brent@BrentAtwater.
com http://www.
com Disclaimer: Ms Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine.
Ms Atwater works in Alternative, Integrative and Complementary Medicine.
She offers her opinions based on her intuition, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments.
Always consult a physician or health care provider concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change program.
There are no guarantees with any of the suggestions in these publications.
These positive techniques are alternative medicine and atlernative healing for the mind.
Beginning your healing journey: 1.
Separate YOUR identity from the Cancer's identity.
You are a person, who is having a Cancer "experience.
" 3.
Recognize that an "experience" comes and goes! 4.
Your Cancer "experience" is your life's reset button!Learn from it.
Cancer may be in your physical body, however, it is NOT in your Soul or spiritual body!!! Cancer is a diagnosis.
Although it affects your life, it is NOT necessarily a life sentence.
Rather than fearfully accepting your diagnosis, do research! Knowledge is empowering.
Health Affirmations: A spiritual healing is different from a physical healing!! Your goal is integration and the balance of both to create allover well being and health.
Talk to your cells, your blood, your organs, your bones, etc, they are live entities!!!!!You are the commander of YOUR body! Take charge and command your cells to be healthy.
You do not have to accept and enable what's happening to them.
You may command the cells in your body that are here to serve your Soul! Cancel, Cancel, Cancel, Next, Positive!: Remember thoughts have ripple effects.
To stop every negative thought and action in your environment whether you think it, say it, or are in the field of someone else who says or does something negative.
POSITIVE PEOPLE ONLY!!! YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! You can erode all of the positive energy that you have generated by being in negative circumstances.
Do not repeat negative thoughts and actions or be in the presence of negative energies (ie "downer" individuals, no matter where, caregivers, friends, stores, phone calls, emails etc).
NEVER EVER OWN YOUR DISORDER & make it a part of your being! Anger: at your disease circumstances lowers the energy that you use to heal yourself.
Positive energy creates more healing energy.
Feeling Vulnerable: You are vulnerable, so admit it.
The key to your success is to accept your vulnerability.
By accepting your vulnerability you are dealing with reality, and can better understand how to protect and take care of yourself.
Accepting your vulnerability is a positive action.
It allows you to accurately assess your position's strengths and weaknesses.
Then you can plan a more accurate course of action based on fact, probabilities, and hope.
Being in denial is a false sense of security.
Denial leads to enabling poor or harmful choices and decisions that could create a worse scenario.
Being Overwhelmed: Is natural!The key to your battle is to limit the time that you allow yourself to be overwhelmed.
Set aside a few hours or no more than 3 days to get quiet with yourself to regroup mentally.
Shut out all "well wishers" and even family if necessary for a brief time.
Even a general needs time alone to "grasp" the situation at hand, to plan strategies, and to announce to the world the decisions he made.
When you just can't handle ONE >>>>MORE>>>THING! and you just don't have the stamina for ONE>>>MORE">>>THING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cry, rest, yell, read, whatever it takes, and sleep! Do something wonderful for yourself, and pray like crazy.
Those actions will get you through the overwhelming time period until you CAN go forward.
Don't feel guilty if you don't maintain a positive attitude all the time, especially when you aren't feeling good, or have just been given some new diagnostic information.
It doesn't matter how strong, resilient or good you are at coping with and handling what you are dealt, there will be times that are "downers', and that you are feel mentally distressed.
It is imperative that you take, and make, time to handle and mentally and emotionally process all that you have been dealt.
Do not be ashamed to feel overwhelmed.
Using this time wisely will allow you to gain more understanding, strength, and direction about your strategies for your life! Venting: "I'm SO tired of fighting.
"Isn't that the truth!Anyone who hasn't been there will not understand.
When all the actions, affirmations and attitudes and every "fighting" tool is just too much, take a break, and give yourself a break!You can verbally vent or cry, till it's all out! Crying is PERFECTLY OK!It's normal, and cleansing.
It's an energetic releasing.
It's clearing out the old grieving energy, to make way for the new positive healing energy.
Release the pain, the fear, your frustration.
Then you'll be refreshed to go forward with something positive.
:) Be Gentle with Yourself: It is imperative that you also be gentle with yourself, and require others to do so.
Every so often, announce and have a "Gentle Day.
" This day should be a mental, emotional, spiritual and physical "spa" day for the weary warrior in you.
You've earned it!!!You deserve it!! Even the strongest warriors need a foot massage, soft words, and hugs!Mark your "Gentle Day" on your calendar.
PLAN wonderful, soothing, pamper yourself events.
Balance, is as important as winning a battle! SO you "expanded" that strict diet for 5 minutes..
the joy you had with the sugar free ice cream, and the positive energizing feeling it gave you..
matters!!!!!Don't be so hard on yourself.
Don't get so caught up in surviving, that you forget to live! Don't forget to enjoy the fact that you ARE alive! Know as much or MORE than your Health Care provider so you can ask questions that YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON!!! And last but NOT least, Perspective: There is ALWAYS someone who is worse off than you..
and although you may not be happy with your current situation, they would be GLAD to trade place with you and your situation! Choose to "Experience" Cancer,Believe YOU Are,andBE the Survivor! You are invited to download our free pamphlet with excerpts from this book.
We hope this pamphlet will help your healing journey.
"Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions to Help Survive Your Cancer Experience" ISBN#: 978-0-9766370-0-4.
at http://www.
com/ or http://www.
htm Feel free to reprint this article in it's original format with the disclaimer.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Brent Atwater Box 475 Southern Pines, NC 28388 Atlanta, GA 1.
9022 USA NC Office: 1.
5206 USA email: Brent@BrentAtwater.
com http://www.
com Disclaimer: Ms Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine.
Ms Atwater works in Alternative, Integrative and Complementary Medicine.
She offers her opinions based on her intuition, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments.
Always consult a physician or health care provider concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change program.
There are no guarantees with any of the suggestions in these publications.