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Obama: I"m Not the Cause of People Feeling "The World Is Falling Apart"

The artful dodger President Barack Hussein Obama recently explained at a Democratic National Committee barbecue in Purchase, N.Y. that social media and the nightly news - certainly not he - are responsible for creating what he called a common misconception that €the world is falling apart.€

Although he was totally wrong in charging that view is a misconception, Obama was absolutelycorrect in saying, €the world is falling apart€ and that scary fact of international life is largely attributable to him.

Our president is fond of shamelessly playing the blame game as cover for his multiple, miserable failures, a ploy second only to his use of the race card as a defense, and he invariably pins responsibility on others for everything from the world's disintegration to the abject disaster of his legacy issue of Obamacare to the utter failure of his multi-billion dollar stimulus boondoggle that didn't stimulate much of anything.

There are obviously many problems associated with the titular leader of the Free World consistently hiding behind gross prevarications in order to maintain a semblance of his already-shattered credibility, a tactic that has always been a popular gambit among unethical politicians as an effort to cloud the truth.

However, when the President of the United States regularly trots out the blame card and effectively denies responsibilty whenever anything goes wrong, he poses a clear and present danger to the safety and welfare of Americans and to the peace and tranquility of the rest of the planet.

As with the of moral of Aesop's €boy who cried wolf€ fable involving a fictional child shepherd who repeatedly deceives the townspeople into believing a wolf is attacking his sheep and, when a real wolf does appear and he again cries for help, the people assume the boy is still lying and the wolf ends up eating his sheep, Obama is endangering everyone he is supposed to be protecting.

One version of that fable concludes with the warning that it €shows how liars are rewarded: Even if they tell the truth, no one believes them,€ the precise predicament facing our president today when all but his most stalwart idolators doubt virtually everything he says.

For example, in accusing the media of creating €misconceptions€ about €the world falling apart,€ Obama is attacking the very same institution, his mainstream media that has blindly supported him and defended his lies for six years. Unless Obama was exclusively referring the only reliable television source of the unvarnished truth about him, Fox News, or to the, which has also gained his enmity with its links to stories that expose him for the lying hypocrite he is, he meant the mainstreamers, some of whom who have finally begun doing their job reporting and not just acting as his obsequious servants.

As for the €social media€ he perceives as complicit with the mainstream media in the conspiracy against him, Obama clearly reveals both his paranoia and his gut fear of the truth at the same time he demonstrates his sheer terror of everyday people doubting him.

Those doubts are the root causes of the peril of America's and the world's developing realization that people have lost trust in him and no longer have confidence in our president's policies and commitments.

The majority of Americans and our allies foolishly trusted Obama's pledges to bring hope and change during and following his 2008 election before they came to understand that his promises were worthless and deceptive and he was a dangerous charlatan and an inveterate liar.

Caught in more lies than the times he has played golf, there are no reasons why anyone should ever believe anything this president has to say. The results have included such insults as Syria's dictator Assad treating his phony€red line€ as a joke and Russia and China treating the president as if he were a nonentity.

It's not too late to reverse the Age of Obama but that reversal is contingent on his owning up to deceptions and flaws - a highly unlikely scenario, at best - or resigning the presidency - a virtual impossibility given Obama's egocentric personality.

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