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What is a Rune Wizard?

Rune Wizard Norse Rune Wizards cast spells, make charms and chant rhymes.
A Norse Rune Spell gives the Rune Wizard access, control and direction of life force for a specific purpose.
A Rune Wizard practices Mental Radionics which is Magic at a distance.
For mental radionics you need a power source and a spell, charm or rhyme and a target ( where you want the life force "Magical force" to go.
) Ithas a large tool kit of materials to set up his spells.
Stones, metals, herbs, wood, rope, candles runes, air, water, fire, earth are some of them.
Nordic and Germanic Rune Wizards used spoken spell craft which is very powerful.
It is a form of Mental Radionics.
As a modern 21st Century, Age of Aquarius Rune Wizard, you can invent your own spoken spells for your special needs.
Now you can use the Laws of Quantum Physics which tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of Thinking Energy called the Quantum Ocean or Mind of God.
There is no time in the Quantum Ocean only the NOW.
All the Gods/Goddesses of the North, the old Rune Charms, spells, rhymes (incantations) are there.
The Runes which are individual Keys to the Creative Energies of the Universe are there.
All the materials you will need as a Rune Wizard are there.
So you can create your own magic andbing the mythology, power and Wisdom of our Norse Germanic Ancestors into the NOW.
Many of the old Norse Traditions have been buried under a veneer of Christianization.
It is time for you, the 21st Century Rune Wizard to clean them off.
The Norse, Germanic and English people adapted the charms, spells and rhymes to the new Christian Religion, rather than discard them completely.
They hid them for future use.
They are so effective that they felt Christianity could not erase their power..
Rune Wizards do not simply speak or copy spells from a book.
The "MIND" of the Rune Wizard is where the power is; not in the words.
The emotions of the Rune Wizard increases the power.
Emotional thoughts are the key to success.
A Rune Wizard must practice, practice, practice the Art until it becomes embedded in their sub-conscious.
Their subconscious mind is connected to the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God.
This is where all the feelings, moods, images, dreams, invocations and energy exists.
Some of the older writers called it the "Astral Plane.
" The Rune Wizard's intellectual mind has a language in words, and their sub-conscious has a language in feelings and images.
Their conscious mind is where they make their decisions.
It works with thoughts and ideas.
Their subconscious uses emotions.
The Rune Wizard must understand the three levels of subconsciousness that exist in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.
Their own personal level; the level of the Nordic Germanic Folk and the collective consciouslevel of all humanity.
The personal subconscioustakes everything literally.
It gives you what it thinks you want.
It does this by monitoring your thoughts and feelings.
The Folk Soul or Group Mind must also be considered by the Rune Wizard.
Powerful competing energies exist there.
Some of the more well known conflicting energies of Folk Souls are the one that exists between the German and the French races.
Two world wars precipitated due to these differences.
In America, the North Eastern Group mind is different from that of the Deep South.
The Civil War is an example.
The Karma and destiny of the Folk-Soul affects every member of its race whether the individual realizes it or not.
The Rune Wizards uses the Folk Soul to give more power to their Magic.
Their spells must first pass through their individual subconscious, through the Folk-Soul subconscious, into the Universal Collective subconscious, the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.
Here is where the greatest power exists.
When a Rune Wizard meditates upon a rune, he first touches the energies of the rune contained within his own personal subconscious, then the energies of the runes contained within the Nordic Germanic Folk Soul's subconscious and finally to the runic energies in the Collective Subconscious, the Mind of God.
It is from this powerful place that they do their work.
There is no time nor space there.
Onlythe NOW!

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