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Coaching Youth Leagues - Points to Keep In Mind

Have you been entrusted with the job of coaching youth leagues? Coaches have a very important role to play in the lives of the members of these leagues and not just because he or she has to help the team wins tournaments.
The coach is also a person who has to help the youngsters set their moral compasses so that they are successful adults who can contribute to society in a positive manner.
Winning tournaments is definitely important and the youth leagues that you coach should be disciplined.
At the same time, the kids in your charge ought to enjoy the sport because this will ensure that they perform at their highest potential.
If the kids are really young they will respond better if the coaching methods you use incorporate many games that help develop their athletic skills.
It is very important for coaches to have a positive attitude towards winning and losing because this will inculcate the team with the same attitude.
You are bound to come in contact and even conflict with pushy parents who want special attention for their kids.
However, you'll need to develop your conflict management skills so that you do not get unduly ruffled because of these incidents.
It is best to discuss your team strategy with parent's right at the outset so that there are no confusions later on.
However, it will be great if you could get the parents to chip in with help when required, especially during practice sessions.
Coaches of youth leagues should always remember that there will be kids of different abilities in the team.
You'll need to give the more proficient ones the opportunity to shine while you encourage the weaker ones to develop their skills without pushing them beyond the limit of their ability.
It is unfair to give every child the same kind of treatment because this can very quickly lead to demotivation.
As a coach, you also need to have good people skills.
The team will benefit if you can encourage the kids and their parents to communicate with each other and with you in an open and positive manner.
If you stifle any kind of dissent then you might just end up demotivating the team.
The youth leagues that you coach will be able to win lots of tournaments as long as you manage to weld the kids (and their parents) into united and motivated teams.

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