Health & Medical Mental Health

Scientific Melodrama

It is a basic law in science that every object tends to move towards its state of least excitement.
In science we have learnt that normally electrons tend to revolve round the nucleus in orbits of least energy.
They jump to higher levels only when excited by application of heat generated due to chemical reaction.
Once the extra energy is drained they again jump back to the orbit of lower energy.
Similarly, if we have to be in the "lowest energy state" we have to restrain our senses which keep us excite 24x7.
When the mind is excited, there is a false notion of joy as you are in a higher orbit of extra energy and start perceiving things from that height.
As soon as the energy drains you fall down and feel depressed because you see that you are no longer able to experience that state of higher energy.
So this is just temporary, and does not give everlasting peace, it just makes your inner self oscillate between extremes and excitement and depression.
You can study drug-addicts cases from psychology and narcotics websites.
The drug gives them temporary joy, feeling of abundance, supreme confident but after the effect of the narcotic drains away these people drown into utter depression.
Many of them engage in heinous deeds due to such depression.
Where is the peace here? Only illusions...
For that at first we have to put some effort to restrain them from their objects of desire.
Restraining and engaging in noble deeds requires sat-sat-vivek-buddhi and sacrifice which the mind resists as it demands more effort.
However, mind is shallow and does not think long term most of the times.
Once the senses are in your control and you are the master, you feel peaceful.
No longer are you affected by the outer world.
You are in your lowest energy state when your senses no longer keep you associated with the fluctuations in the outer world.
You become the master of your own self.
This is the natural tendency of every object in the universe; attaining the state of least energy.

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