Age And Fertility - What Are Your Posibilities Of Getting Pregnant In Relation To Your Age?
The relationship between age and fertility is the most important aspect you must consider in your journey to get pregnant. This is because as grow old, your body's internal condition change substantially, so you have to take different actions and evaluate what kind of treatment is the most suitable for you.
Getting pregnant at your 20s
When you are in your 20s, there are really not many concerns about age and fertility, because your pregnancy success rate at this moment is between 20 and 25%. However, if you are trying to conceive and it's taking you more than 12 months, then you should ask for advice to a fertility endochrinologist. The miscarriage rate when you are in your 20s is about 5-10%, and the chances of a genetic issue is about 1 / 1200.
Since at this age you are most likely to be very active, you need to moderate your exercise and avoid "bouncing" exercises like aerobics, tennis or martial arts. alternatively, if you really wish to keep in shape, you can do walking,jogging or swimming.
additionally, you should not drink alcohol, smoke, take caffeine or eat certain kind of food, like raw fish. Fish contains an elevated amount of heavy metals that could unbalance your hormonal production.
Getting pregnant at your 30s
When you are 30, the relationship between age and fertility starts to change considerably. To begin with, your pregnancy success rate is about 10% per cycle, and the possibility of a miscarriage is of 25%. At 35, you should consult a fertility endocrinologist if you have been trying without results for more than 6 months.
Another consideration to take is, that at this age, the risk of a genetic abnormality increases to about 1 / 350, so before starting any kind of infertility treatment, you should do yourself a genetic test.
Getting pregnant over 40 and its risks
Here is where age and fertility start to get really complicated, since your fertility success rate per month is about 5% even with really expensive methods like In Vitro Fertilization (well IVF Treatment could actually elevate it to 10% per try). Not to mention that miscarriage possibility rate is at 33%.
Studies made from embryo biopsies reveal that at this age, 90% of your eggs have some kind of genetic abnormality. Due to this, it is strongly recommended to use the eggs of a donor instead of your own.
Maybe the idea of using someone else's eggs is not particularly appealing to you, but you should know that most egg donation plans increase 80% the success rate on women at their 40s.
Getting pregnant over 45
To get pregnant naturally over 45 is a really difficult proposition. Using your own eggs, success probabilities are from about 1%, because most of your eggs at this point have some kind of genetic issue. Also, the probability of a miscarriage is AT LEAST of 50%.
The link between age and fertility at this point is really important if you're going to get pregnant. Therefore, you should REALLY take these important considerations:
1- Do it with the eggs of a donor, preferably if she is in her 20s.
This avoids the possibility of genetic abnormalities in the eggs, and it increases your success rate by 80% every cycle
2- Make sure your body can handle it.
This means that in advance of starting any fertility therapy, you should investigate for any high blood pressure issue, diabetes or any heart condition.
I know how hard is to read this kind of stuff, but if you are going to get pregnant, you must be as honest to yourself as possible, and face the challenges that arise with courage and intelligence,
There are 2 things you cannot afford right now: Damage your health (for your own sake and for the baby) and to waste more time, because, as you know, time is crucial.
So be brave and take action to make your dream come true. It is NOT impossible, but you will need the best advice you can get to achieve it, especially if you are trying to get pregnant beyond your 30s.
Getting pregnant at your 20s
When you are in your 20s, there are really not many concerns about age and fertility, because your pregnancy success rate at this moment is between 20 and 25%. However, if you are trying to conceive and it's taking you more than 12 months, then you should ask for advice to a fertility endochrinologist. The miscarriage rate when you are in your 20s is about 5-10%, and the chances of a genetic issue is about 1 / 1200.
Since at this age you are most likely to be very active, you need to moderate your exercise and avoid "bouncing" exercises like aerobics, tennis or martial arts. alternatively, if you really wish to keep in shape, you can do walking,jogging or swimming.
additionally, you should not drink alcohol, smoke, take caffeine or eat certain kind of food, like raw fish. Fish contains an elevated amount of heavy metals that could unbalance your hormonal production.
Getting pregnant at your 30s
When you are 30, the relationship between age and fertility starts to change considerably. To begin with, your pregnancy success rate is about 10% per cycle, and the possibility of a miscarriage is of 25%. At 35, you should consult a fertility endocrinologist if you have been trying without results for more than 6 months.
Another consideration to take is, that at this age, the risk of a genetic abnormality increases to about 1 / 350, so before starting any kind of infertility treatment, you should do yourself a genetic test.
Getting pregnant over 40 and its risks
Here is where age and fertility start to get really complicated, since your fertility success rate per month is about 5% even with really expensive methods like In Vitro Fertilization (well IVF Treatment could actually elevate it to 10% per try). Not to mention that miscarriage possibility rate is at 33%.
Studies made from embryo biopsies reveal that at this age, 90% of your eggs have some kind of genetic abnormality. Due to this, it is strongly recommended to use the eggs of a donor instead of your own.
Maybe the idea of using someone else's eggs is not particularly appealing to you, but you should know that most egg donation plans increase 80% the success rate on women at their 40s.
Getting pregnant over 45
To get pregnant naturally over 45 is a really difficult proposition. Using your own eggs, success probabilities are from about 1%, because most of your eggs at this point have some kind of genetic issue. Also, the probability of a miscarriage is AT LEAST of 50%.
The link between age and fertility at this point is really important if you're going to get pregnant. Therefore, you should REALLY take these important considerations:
1- Do it with the eggs of a donor, preferably if she is in her 20s.
This avoids the possibility of genetic abnormalities in the eggs, and it increases your success rate by 80% every cycle
2- Make sure your body can handle it.
This means that in advance of starting any fertility therapy, you should investigate for any high blood pressure issue, diabetes or any heart condition.
I know how hard is to read this kind of stuff, but if you are going to get pregnant, you must be as honest to yourself as possible, and face the challenges that arise with courage and intelligence,
There are 2 things you cannot afford right now: Damage your health (for your own sake and for the baby) and to waste more time, because, as you know, time is crucial.
So be brave and take action to make your dream come true. It is NOT impossible, but you will need the best advice you can get to achieve it, especially if you are trying to get pregnant beyond your 30s.