Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

He Said She Is Just His Friend - What Do You Really Think She Is to Him?

Relationships are always going to have their tough times and issues that you have to deal with. None really gets under your skin more so than becoming suspicious that your significant other might not be faithful to you. When you start to question that, it's easy to then start to question just about everything that you thought you knew about the guy you are dating. So, if you have a suspicion that your boyfriend might be getting a little too close to a woman that he claims is just a friend, what are you to do and what are you to believe?

Sometimes these situations end up being nothing more than what he says that they are and sometimes they end up being a situation where you find out that he is being unfaithful. If you are concerned about your boyfriend being a little too friendly with a woman and you think that this may mean that he is cheating on you, you have some questions that you need to ask yourself.

Is he spending time with her behind your back?

It's a lot more convincing that something unsavory might be going on if he is trying to hang out with his friend without you knowing about it. While there are some men who will blatantly let their girlfriend know that they are hanging out with a woman that they are having an outside relationship with, most are going to try and keep it a secret. So, if most of his time spent with this friend just happens to be behind your back, then I think you probably do have something to be concerned with.

Is it someone that he knows from work?

Men have been known to cheat on their girlfriend with a female co worker, but they have also been known to make genuine friendships with women they work with as well. This is going to be a lot harder for you to figure out if he happens to work with the woman. You might need to be a little more cautious in your assumptions, just remember that it does go down like that sometimes.

Are you ready to leave him?

This is something that you may want to think about assuming that you do find out that something is going on. There are situations where cheating does not break up the relationship, but there are many more where it does. You want to be prepared for what might happen if you do find out that your suspicions are true and the guy you are dating is having a little fling on the side.

So, is there any way to conclude that his female friend is something more? Not really until you have some evidence. What you may want to do is talk to him and let him know that you are concerned about where the relationship is going. Some of his answers may be able to let you get a much clearer idea on where his head is at, so that you know if he is willing to cheat on you or not.

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