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Find The Right Supplies For Your Leather Projects

Do you enjoy making jewelry, leather bags or wallets, or just making arts and crafts? If you do you know that having the right tools and supplies make the projects more enjoyable. It isn't fun to try and make something work for a task it really wasn't designed for. I have found that I enjoy doing crafts and creating my masterpieces a lot more when I take a little time and think about what I am doing and what I will need to accomplish it. Then I get what I need in advance and when I am ready to start I am much more productive and happy.

So that being said I'm happy to see that you've found my article and have chosen to read it. This is about some projects I've done recently and some cool products that really helped me get the results I was looking for. The first product I'd like to mention is Gilders Paste. This is a great product for coloring porous materials. A little bit of it goes a long way and the colors really mix well. With an assortment of colors of guilders paste and you can mix up colors and shades of colors to meet just about any need you may have. It works very well on wood, metal, leather, gourds, clay and many other surfaces. If a surface is to smooth you may need to sandblast it with fine silica sand or use some fine sandpaper it won't adhere well to a slick surface.

If you are into creating leather crafts you will probably need to dye or stain the leather with one main or base color. For this there is a great brand with many products designed for about any application you may need. Fiebing's Leather Dye or any of there Leather Dye products will fulfill this need. They have a product that is safe for children, nursing homes or even detention centers, that is their Fiebing's Institutional Leather Dye, it is water based instead of oil based. This would be great for use in the Boy Scouts Leatherwork Merit Badge. They also have the higher grade Fiebing's Professional Oil Dye. They even have a leather dye that meets the California Voc regulation.

Armed with the right supplies and tools you can make many types of crafts. Belts, purses, wallets, bags, jewelry, clothes or whatever you can imagine would be better if it's leather. One recent item I made was a bag or satchel with some decorative buttons that I colored with some Gilders Paste, which I also used for some accents. The Fiebing's Leather Dye is what I used for color dying the leather initially. It is really very enjoyable to create something from just plain raw materials. It gives you a great feeling of accomplishment once you are done. Some other leather working tools that I used was a lace cutter for the laces I used to join the pieces of leather. Of course one of the most important tools involved was the hole punch for leather, I couldn't imagine how long and hard it would have been to accomplish the task of punching holes in the leather for laces without that leather punch. Having the right tool for the job is essential!

I hope you found this article interesting and maybe learned something from it. Leather crafts are fun to do and all in all are not that expensive either. You can get really extravagant if you want to but it is also easy to create a master piece for very little money. Often adding beads, buckles or some extra artwork can make a plan looking leather project into a real eye catcher. The feeling of creating something from scratch just can't be beat so figure out what you want to make and start crafting it. Remember crafts make really awesome and unique gifts.

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