Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

How to Get Piles Relief and Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Piles is an extremely painful condition that a large number of people have to live with daily and obtaining effective piles relief is a priority to many of those because of the affect the condition has on their lives. Piles are caused by many different things but are more commonly associated with those who have weight issues, pregnant women and people who have a poor diet.

Piles, also more correctly referred to as hemorrhoids, can occur internally or externally and in the worse cases both. External piles are normally the most painful and troublesome and involve painful swelling and profuse bleeding, these unpleasant symptoms lead to many individuals desperately seeking piles relief.

As mentioned, piles have many causes, and gaining an understanding of them will help make it easier to get rid of them. The most common cause of piles is constipation caused predominantly by a poor diet lacking in fiber, regular heavy lifting is also a common cause that many people are not aware of as is poor blood circulation, and excessive use of spices when cooking.

Simply avoiding or changing some of the things mentioned previously will provide relief from piles, although cases where piles have been re-occurring frequently and with greater intensit, further treatments and remedies need to be considered.

Over-the-counter treatments such as creams and suppositories are very popular methods of treatment because they are easily obtained, simple to use and are usually quite affordable. Most treatments are effective in treating the immediate unpleasant symptoms of piles, providing quick relief on a temporary basis. However, they do not, nor will they ever, treat the root of the problem.

Treatments bought from your local pharmacy or chemist are best used in conjunction with a high fiber diet which will prevent constipation. A regular routine of abdominal exercise will both exercise the muscles around your digestive system helping you to digest food better and also help the passage of waste through your body meaning less straining.

As with many complaints, dehydration is often a contributory factor to either causing, or making the situation worse so ensure you drink plenty of water. Water not only improves your circulation but is effective in stopping constipation and also.

There are other beneficial foods that help with piles relief these include eating fruits such as bananas and vegetables like turnips and radishes.

Many piles sufferers have sworn they benefit from drinking a mashed ripe banana mixed with boiling milk, whether it works for you or not, it still sounds quite appealling! Another, not so tasty sounding remedy is to eat grated radish which has had a little honey added to it. Another favorite of many sufferers is drinking buttermilk after every meal and also applying an ice pack to the piles after every evacuation of the bowel. An old favorite is simply to have a warm bath, which can be made up with a weak solution of tea (tea has astringent properties which help piles shrink).

A good, healthy, balanced diet and a warm bath when used together with treatments off the shelf of your local pharmacy will provide you with an effective piles treatment...unfortunately it will only be a temporary solution.

There are people who unfortunately suffer terribly with piles, such cases are difficult to treat effectively with home and over the counter treatments and more permanent and drastic treatments are required.

Surgery was, until recently, the only solution. However, surgery is very intrusive and very painful and many people, irrespective of the discomfort and pain they are suffering, are not comfortable with having surgery in such a private region of the body.

Although this type of surgery shouldn't be an issue, for many it is completely off putting and they would rather suffer than have their hemorrhoids treated, however it should also be noted that surgery should always be the last choice and used only when all other treatments have been tried.

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