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About Rainbow Eucalyptus Trees

    Region and Conditions

    • In its native homeland, the rainbow eucalyptus grows along waterways. It requires full sunlight to thrive, so it often takes up residence in areas that have undergone natural disturbances, such as a landslide. The tree usually occur in pure stands. It grows in areas that suffer dry stretches, but can also thrive with excessive rainfall of up to 6 inches per month. It grows well in wet tropics.

    Growth Factors

    • Despite the rainbow eucalyptus tree's propensity for growing in regions with excessive rainfall, the tree will not tolerate flooding. It also burns quickly in a forest fire. A tropical tree, the rainbow eucalyptus cannot withstand cold weather or even the occasional frost. It grows well in coarse-textured sand soil that is comprised of a mixture of loam, limestone and volcanic ash. The tree grows best whe the soil is moderately moist.

    Seed Production

    • The rainbow eucalyptus can begin producing flowers at only 1 year old. Most trees begin flower production at 2 years old. Flowers will appear on the tree all year. Seeds are usually formed on the tree when the rainy season begins. The rainbow eucalyptus tree's seeds are often dispersed by the river it grows beside. The seeds float down the river and are usually deposited along the shoreline in humus-rich soil, where they take root.

    Uses and Problems

    • Rainbow eucalyptus tree seeds germinate in 4 to 20 days. Approximately 50 to 60 percent of the seeds the tree produces are viable, according to the World Agroforestry Centre. The tree species is widely grown on tree plantations for pulp production. Termites often damage the rainbow eucalyptus in its natural habitat and when grown on plantations. The cossid moth and a ring bark borer also infest the tree.

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