Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Dynamic Thinking - Observing the Mind

Dynamic Thinking, which is basically thinking about thinking, evolves out of Attention Thinking (see my article Attention Thinking: Controlling the Mind).
Dynamic Thinking calls for observing your thought process whenever possible during the normal course of your daily life.
By engaging in this practice you will begin to become familiar with your own particular mental processes and start to see various patterns emerge.
As with any mind-development practice, it can take time to see results, but perseverance will pay off in the end.
Dynamic Thinking: In this exercise you will try to become aware of your thoughts at other times of the day.
Dynamic Thinking constitutes a way to develop a greater mastery over your mental processes by focusing consciously on your everyday thoughts.
Begin by taking notice of your thoughts during the course of the morning.
Become aware of your thoughts as you get out of bed and get dressed.
Keep noticing as you eat breakfast and start your day.
Continue this throughout the day, for instance, when you are driving, riding on a train, waiting for someone, eating a meal or texting on you phone.
As you try to become aware of what you are thinking about also begin to assess what effect these thoughts are having on you.
You want to try to discern whether these thoughts are stirring any negative or positive feelings within you.
Try to step back from the emotions involved and simply observe them to see how the situation is affecting you.
This may take some time as it is easy to get caught up in the emotion and lose your objectivity.
However, you should eventually be able to identify the emotions and understand better how they arise and how they affect you.
Example; You are driving your car and someone cuts in front of you.
You immediately get angry and curse them.
But the part of you engaged in Dynamic Thinking should stop and observe these feelings with an eye towards discovering where they are coming from and how they are effecting you.
Two minutes later you have forgotten all about the other driver, you are thinking about something totally different.
What happened to the feeling of anger? Where did it come from? Where did it go? Dynamic Thinking practice helps you to gradually become aware of the emotions and feelings that are brought up within you during daily life.
You will begin to realize that they are being created by the Ordinary Mind to cope with the events that occur.
Observing this process can give you great insight into how your mind works and leads to much better mental control as you take conscious control of the thoughts in your mind.
This ability will serve you well in many different situation.
Learning how your mind works is a valuable tool for developing your self.

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