How To Make Money: iPhone And iPod Repair - $69K A Year Even If You"re ADHD and Dyslexic
Successful people learn to deal with the cards they have been dealt.
Unsuccessful people cry about it.
If you are dyslexic or ADHD or not; there is no excuse for you NOT to be making the kind of money which will allow you to live in a decent place, drive a decent vehicle, and take some vacations.
So put your tears away and get some facts and get going on the rest of your life, dude! High demand and low competition is how to make money.
Have you ever known the solution to something that few people around you know? If so, you have felt the essence of a successful business.
However, most people don't figure out that they must learn the solution to something that few people know the solution to, before they can make any real money.
A dishwasher is not paid much because just about everyone can be a dishwasher with a few minutes of training.
A skilled trades person like an electrician is paid about $39 an hour because it takes a four year apprenticeship to be an electrician.
A surgeon goes to college for eight years (!) and then does a year or more of residency before he or she is a full-blown surgeon - but they make at least $35,000 a month to start! A valuable skill does not always take a long time to learn.
The technology industry is full of talented kids who just have a knack for writing code, or designing games.
Some of these kids are as young as fourteen, and they are banging it, and making bank - like $200,000 and $500,000 a year, with no formal education.
Granted, these are exceptional people with exceptional talent.
What if you could take a little talent, and a little time and make a decent living? What if, in the next few weeks you could be repairing something while making about $40 an hour?Would that be good? You could teach yourself laptop repair, advertise your services, and you would be there.
You could teach yourself big screen repair, and you'd be there.
Heck, if you knew how to change the timing belt on a Ford Focus in less than two hours, on the street you'd be there.
You can also just learn to repair Apple devices, and you would be there.
All of the above can actually make you $100,000 a year.
So, are you convinced you need to learn a valuable skill? Let's consider iPhone and iPod repair a little further.
The advantages are: 1.
The devices themselves are small as are the tools to fix them, and the parts to fix them2.
Demand is super high and going through the roof now that Verizon has the 4G iPhone too.
Repeat business is "built-in," the glass breaks over and over.
Better yet, the 4G, the newest iPhone has glass front and back, so it's double your fun! WARNING! Be aware: There are iPhone "fix it" videos on you tube, but there is a problem.
Those videos are there to sell you grossly over-priced iPhone parts, and they will NOT teach you to fix your iPhone.
Proof? Look at the feed-back on these videos - people are upset because they ordered the part and then ruined their iPhone trying to fix it.
How can you learn to repair iPhones and iPods? Find a school with support.
There are some...
$1500 to $3,000 will get you 5 days of learning.
Is that expensive? Well, if you learn by trial and error at home you'll spend like $300 to $600 just learning the 4G because it is so easy to screw up, and the parts are spendy.
What kind of money can you really make? Typically, you will net about $40 per iPhone or iPod repair.
Most repairs take 10 to 20 minutes.
However, the best money is in the 4G because not everyone can learn how to fix it and it's the newest and most expensive iPhone.
If you only learned the 4G really well, you could clean up.
The repairs on the 4G pay an average of $50 per repair.
If you do just (8) 4G repairs a day, that's $100,000 a year.
So, what are you going to do: A.
Wash dishes at Denny's and work up to manager.
Make the next big-hit-viral you tube video by getting bit by a viper.
Bank $69k in the next year making iPhone and iPod users very, very happy.
Whatever you do, please find some education help, and learn a valuable skill of some kind, fast! What should you do next?
Unsuccessful people cry about it.
If you are dyslexic or ADHD or not; there is no excuse for you NOT to be making the kind of money which will allow you to live in a decent place, drive a decent vehicle, and take some vacations.
So put your tears away and get some facts and get going on the rest of your life, dude! High demand and low competition is how to make money.
Have you ever known the solution to something that few people around you know? If so, you have felt the essence of a successful business.
However, most people don't figure out that they must learn the solution to something that few people know the solution to, before they can make any real money.
A dishwasher is not paid much because just about everyone can be a dishwasher with a few minutes of training.
A skilled trades person like an electrician is paid about $39 an hour because it takes a four year apprenticeship to be an electrician.
A surgeon goes to college for eight years (!) and then does a year or more of residency before he or she is a full-blown surgeon - but they make at least $35,000 a month to start! A valuable skill does not always take a long time to learn.
The technology industry is full of talented kids who just have a knack for writing code, or designing games.
Some of these kids are as young as fourteen, and they are banging it, and making bank - like $200,000 and $500,000 a year, with no formal education.
Granted, these are exceptional people with exceptional talent.
What if you could take a little talent, and a little time and make a decent living? What if, in the next few weeks you could be repairing something while making about $40 an hour?Would that be good? You could teach yourself laptop repair, advertise your services, and you would be there.
You could teach yourself big screen repair, and you'd be there.
Heck, if you knew how to change the timing belt on a Ford Focus in less than two hours, on the street you'd be there.
You can also just learn to repair Apple devices, and you would be there.
All of the above can actually make you $100,000 a year.
So, are you convinced you need to learn a valuable skill? Let's consider iPhone and iPod repair a little further.
The advantages are: 1.
The devices themselves are small as are the tools to fix them, and the parts to fix them2.
Demand is super high and going through the roof now that Verizon has the 4G iPhone too.
Repeat business is "built-in," the glass breaks over and over.
Better yet, the 4G, the newest iPhone has glass front and back, so it's double your fun! WARNING! Be aware: There are iPhone "fix it" videos on you tube, but there is a problem.
Those videos are there to sell you grossly over-priced iPhone parts, and they will NOT teach you to fix your iPhone.
Proof? Look at the feed-back on these videos - people are upset because they ordered the part and then ruined their iPhone trying to fix it.
How can you learn to repair iPhones and iPods? Find a school with support.
There are some...
$1500 to $3,000 will get you 5 days of learning.
Is that expensive? Well, if you learn by trial and error at home you'll spend like $300 to $600 just learning the 4G because it is so easy to screw up, and the parts are spendy.
What kind of money can you really make? Typically, you will net about $40 per iPhone or iPod repair.
Most repairs take 10 to 20 minutes.
However, the best money is in the 4G because not everyone can learn how to fix it and it's the newest and most expensive iPhone.
If you only learned the 4G really well, you could clean up.
The repairs on the 4G pay an average of $50 per repair.
If you do just (8) 4G repairs a day, that's $100,000 a year.
So, what are you going to do: A.
Wash dishes at Denny's and work up to manager.
Make the next big-hit-viral you tube video by getting bit by a viper.
Bank $69k in the next year making iPhone and iPod users very, very happy.
Whatever you do, please find some education help, and learn a valuable skill of some kind, fast! What should you do next?