Hydration Matters When Hiking or Biking
Hiking and Biking are two popular outdoor activities in which dehydration can sneak up on you. Some of the initial signs of an issue include a rising heartbeat, dizziness, confusion, and dry mouth.
Dehydration can sneak up on you without prior warning.
Because of this, it is important to attack this issue before it happens. What this means is that you need to be sure your body remains properly hydrated continuously throughout your activity.
Before you start your adventure, you should calculate how much water (or other similar liquid) you will need to last you the whole outing. The general rule is that a person in his or her daily routine needs 64 ounces of water a day. Because you do not normally drink water at night, let us estimate this to mean you need to drink about 8 ounces every two hours.
If you are hiking or biking, you are expending more effort so you should double this for the time you are doing your activity. And, if the weather is very hot, then you should add more of cushion.
Once you determine the amount of hydration you will need, you need to determine how you are going to store it. If your calculation only requires a small amount, you can use water bottles stored in your backpack or on your bike.
If you need larger amounts, you should consider a hydration pack which comes with a hydration system for not only holding liquid but keeping it cold if desired. Mini packs can store around 7o ounces while average packs will hold 100 ounces. This provides for at least three hours of hydration needed in the most extreme circumstances.
Other options include planning your hike or bike route and mapping out places to take breaks which offer good water.
Also if you are doing an extreme exercise, consider bringing an electrolyte drink as well such as a sports drink or a powder pack you can add to your water.
Keeping hydrated during outdoor activity is so important not only to your health but also for your enjoyment. The best hydration packs on the market are very affordable and come in a variety of styles to meet the needs of any outdoor athlete or enthusiast.
Dehydration can sneak up on you without prior warning.
Because of this, it is important to attack this issue before it happens. What this means is that you need to be sure your body remains properly hydrated continuously throughout your activity.
Before you start your adventure, you should calculate how much water (or other similar liquid) you will need to last you the whole outing. The general rule is that a person in his or her daily routine needs 64 ounces of water a day. Because you do not normally drink water at night, let us estimate this to mean you need to drink about 8 ounces every two hours.
If you are hiking or biking, you are expending more effort so you should double this for the time you are doing your activity. And, if the weather is very hot, then you should add more of cushion.
Once you determine the amount of hydration you will need, you need to determine how you are going to store it. If your calculation only requires a small amount, you can use water bottles stored in your backpack or on your bike.
If you need larger amounts, you should consider a hydration pack which comes with a hydration system for not only holding liquid but keeping it cold if desired. Mini packs can store around 7o ounces while average packs will hold 100 ounces. This provides for at least three hours of hydration needed in the most extreme circumstances.
Other options include planning your hike or bike route and mapping out places to take breaks which offer good water.
Also if you are doing an extreme exercise, consider bringing an electrolyte drink as well such as a sports drink or a powder pack you can add to your water.
Keeping hydrated during outdoor activity is so important not only to your health but also for your enjoyment. The best hydration packs on the market are very affordable and come in a variety of styles to meet the needs of any outdoor athlete or enthusiast.