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Safari - Excitement, Exhilaration and Relaxation

A safari is the ultimate adventure travel holiday.
For most of us it offers the opportunity to explore a part of the world we may have only read about and see live animals we have only seen on television or in magazines.
Most safaris also require long walks over a variety of terrain.
It can require one to trek miles across the Savannah or up mountainsides.
A safari also demands you use all of your senses if you are to stay alive and in good health.
Awareness can mean the difference between life, death or serious injury.
This is one of the strengths of a safari, it forces one to use all one's powers of observation.
It can leave you feeling more alive than you have ever felt before.
When most people think of safari, they think of Africa and with good reason.
The African continent has some of the largest areas in the world where you can find dangerous predators and elusive prey living in close proximity to each other as they have done for centuries.
On an African safari you can see animals in their natural habitat living out their struggle for life and reproduction while battling the sometimes hostile elements of nature.
A safari on the savannas of east Africa can be an exhilarating experience.
There is nothing more relaxing than walking under African skies peering into the distance to witness the interplay of nature's creatures.
You can witness a pride of lions frolicking in the low grass or see a herd of gazelle gracefully lope over the plains.
if you are fortunate you can witness birth and death on the Savannah, the whole spectrum of life played out before your very eyes.
There are many types of safaris to choose from.
There are safaris that take you on foot into the wild and allow you to camp outdoors each night as you trail the animals.
Others prefer to ride on elephants or travel by motor vehicle from their hotel each day and return there at night.
Still others choose to take a safari by canoe and wend their way down a winding river observing the wildlife on either bank and in the water.
Going on safari is a great way to spend your holiday.
There is still time to grab last minute hotels and arrange for airfare and find yourself on safari in an exotic land.

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