Pets & Animal Pets Cats

How to Trap a Feral Cat in a Net

    • 1). Watch your neighborhood for signs of feral cats. Feral cats most often live in areas with low foot traffic, but close to humans, so they can scavenge for food in dumpsters and trash cans. Feral cats will be thin and unkempt, and often with visible wounds from fighting with other animals. If possible, try to trap only one cat at a time, as you may find yourself in over your head if you try to trap too many at once.

    • 2). Select a location for your trap. The area should include bushes or trees for you to hide behind, as you wait for the cat to approach the food. A park or river trail near a feral cat population works well, as it offers enough cover to hide behind, so as not to frighten the cat away.

    • 3). Place an open can of cat food on the ground where feral cat has been spotted. Cover the cat food with tuna juice, then step behind a tree or bush to observe the cat. The smell of the canned food mixed with the tuna juice will entice cat to come out of hiding.

    • 4). Repeat this process at the same time every day for one week. The cat will learn the routine and will return to the spot in hopes of finding an easy meal. If you notice the cat is eating the food too quickly and running away, add two or three cans to encourage it to stay longer.

    • 5). Slip on your gloves and hold the net in your hands, as you slowly walk up from behind the cat. Move as quietly as possible to avoid scaring the cats as you approach. Throw the net down over the cat once you are within range, quickly placing your feet on the edge of the net to keep the cat from escaping.

      Pick up the cat by the scruff of the neck, keeping your hands away from its sharp claws and teeth. Place the cat inside the crate, removing the net and closing the door. Transport the cat to the local feral cat rehabilitation center.

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