Technology Electronics

Text to Speech Emergency System


    • TTS converts the spoken word into written text. But it goes both ways. TTS programs also take the written words of people with hearing impairment, convert the symbols to spoken words and send them over the phone lines to a hearing user. This allows people with hearing impairment to carry on phone conversations with the hearing instantaneously.

    Cellular TTS

    • In the past, people with hearing impairment relied on keyboards that were wired to the home phone. However, with the advances in cellular technology, as of 2010, people with hearing impairment are not limited to only using their home phones. Just like the rest of the population, they can use their cells phones virtually anywhere to report emergencies.

    TTS Emergency Rooms

    • Emergency room treatment requires split-second, informed decisions. But most emergency rooms aren't equipped with sign language interpreters. With TTS, the doctor's spoken words instantly convert to text. This keeps the person with hearing impairment part of the process and keeps them informed on their condition or on the condition of those they love.

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