Health & Medical Women's Health

Women"s Self Defense and Pressure Points

If you decide to take a women's self defense course you will be given a variety of tools in which you can defend yourself from a would be attacker or assailant.
You will be taught non-violent methods such as using a whistle or sound blaster.
You will be taught avoidance techniques such as avoiding places where you might be attacked or avoiding situations in which you will be tricked into going to a place where an attack might take place.
In addition the women's self defense class will teach basic hand to hand fighting that will injure your assailant long enough for you to get away.
If the attack becomes really personal you will be taught how to use pressure points to either loosen the attackers grip or to cause enough pain so that the attacker lets go.
Pressure points as defined by women's self defense experts are points that have a prevalence of nerves in it.
When pressure is applied to these points, pain is felt and the natural reaction to move away from pain gives the victim an advantage.
The reflex is called a pain withdrawal reflex and it will move in the exact opposite direction that the pressure is being applied.
Women's self defense instructors will teach that when you jab a person in the stomach slightly below the chest bone, the attacker will back away quickly or try to turn his or her body away to get away from the pain.
When you apply pressure next to the collar bone it will cause the attacker to move downward away from the pain.
This will allow you to bring your elbow down into the person's collar bone or two bring your knee up into his face.
Another pressure point is the recession just above your elbow.
By grabbing the back of the arm, push your thumb into the small depression and press down.
The pain withdrawal reflex for this point causes the arm to straighten.
You can easily put the attacker into an arm lock or pull the elbow down as you bring up your knee.
This can be doubled up with a brain shake.
Using two fingers bent like a fist, hit your attacker in the at an angle into the occipital nerve right at the temple.
This causes the brain to be shaken in the skull.
If you do it right enough pain will cause the attacker to stop his assault or will cause him or her to black out.
Once you use the pressure point, try to hyper extend the joint that is now trying to get away from your pressure.
You want to extend the joint away from the natural direction it will bend.
Using all of your force, this will cause extreme pain or dislocation.
If possible and you can do it with safety, kick your opponent in the testicles.
This is extreme pain for a man and can take him out of commission for several minutes.
If you miss the first time kick him again and then run.
Remember that women's self defense wants you to remember that you are not trying to win a fight but to disable or distract you opponent long enough to get away.

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