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How To Select Best Solar Energy Water Heater

Solar energy water heaters are one of the most effective solutions for residential and commercial water heating. According to research and surveys, water heating is the second largest energy consumer in your house. When considering the selection of any solar water heater there are considerations that should be made regarding appropriateness to determine the best solution. Several factors you should consider in selecting any water heating system are given below:
Size: The storage size and point of usage should be well defined and appropriate
Price and operational costs: The cost of the device, maintenance costs and the operative costs should be known before the installation of any water heater
Quality of material used: The quality of material used for solar energy water heaters should be solid and durable. Look for units that are primarily made from copper, bronze and stainless since these elements will stand the test of time.
Brand: The best brand appliance should be chosen for avoiding any problems related to technology or other issues
Repairing and availability of spare parts: The appliance should be easily repairable and there should be no problem in getting the spare parts should any issues arise
Available features: Make sure any unit considered has features for handling water quality such as sediment or scale.
The many benefits of solar heaters include; 1) renewable energy source, 2) cost savings, 3) reduced carbon footprint, and 4) you will be producing your own energy. Solar heaters are great for water heating, space heating and any other form of heating.
Tankless heaters or instant hot water heaters work on demand to provide the warm or hot water, when necessary. The main benefit is the lack of tank. Claims are made about very high efficiency but the primary efficiency advantage is eliminating standby losses. This is generally a small (about 15%) portion of the energy consumed. Other features of instant hot water heaters include nonstop hot water supply, size and flexibility during installation. There is a list of many manufacturers for the instant water heaters. Tankless water heaters can be used for commercial and residential water heating systems. Tankless units can be powered by gas or electric although the electric units generally have significant flow limitations.
Gas water heating appliances are built with vent systems. The most common type of venting has the heated exhaust gas exit via convection up through a vent in the roof. The hot exhaust gases are vented preventing fumes in the home and is replaced by fresh air in the building. This happens without the use of any electric power. Power venting of water heater is similar to the direct venting models and it makes use of the assistance for mechanical exhausting the combustion to the outside. Power venting can enable gas water heaters to be located in a location where they are then vented horizontally rather than vertically.
Within solar energy water heaters there are models that come rated as Energy Star models. The EnergyStar models provide enhanced performance, lessened costs, reduced pollution and frequently qualify the owner for grants. The Energy Star models require a higher SEF (solar energy factor) than other models. The energy star models have to supply greater than 50% of the heated water from the sun. Studies have shown solar heaters are the most efficient way to heat your water both from an energy use standpoint as well as minimizing the carbon footprint. Solar heaters in colder climates are all indirect type heaters since the fluid that flows through the solar collectors is not the same fluid that comes out of the faucets in the home. All of the principles of solar heating are the same whether the load is small (residential) or large (commercial/industrial). The efficiency, economics, and environmental benefits are all there but in a larger scale. If anyone has an interest in saving money, being a better environmental steward, or more comfort they should consider solar heating.

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