Can The Best Stomach Exercise Not Even Be An Exercise?
Many people today want to figure out what the best stomach exercise is.
Some advocate crunches, sit ups, V-ups (which I think are great), ab wheels, and various other exercises.
But there's one important part of the puzzle they're missing.
Back to that a bit later.
Some parts of society today still believe that if you do 1,000 sit ups per day you're going to have great looking abs.
But guess what? Spot reducing doesn't exist! I hate to tell you this, but you can do 1 million sit ups and your stomach probably isn't going to be any different than if you did 10.
You'll have the endurance of a marathon runner in your abs, but that's about it.
If you want to figure out what the best stomach exercise is, you need to think a little deeper.
To make it easy on you, I'll help you out - since I'm such a nice guy.
You see, there is no point in having chiseled abdominals if you have a big layer of fat covering them.
They might be rock-solid with deep grooves in them but if there's a lot of fat covering them it's not going to make a difference in how you look.
So What Is The Best Stomach Exercise? The secret to this is simply eating healthy so you can lose the fat covering your abdominals.
That, my friend, is the best stomach exercise.
Just look at any skinny person.
Even if they don't work out you can probably at least partially see their abs.
If they worked out you could probably see them within a month.
The secret to having good looking abs is having a low body fat percentage.
Once you get under 10% if your a guy, or about 14% if you're a girl, you're going to have great looking abs.
These percentages may vary but for the average person it's about right.
So do yourself a favor and stop looking for the best stomach exercise and start educating yourself on how to eat the foods and do the right exercises that are going to help you lose weight the fastest.
It might cost you a few bucks (reading books was the best health decision of my life), but believe me - it's well worth it.
You pay for something once but have that knowledge for a lifetime!
Some advocate crunches, sit ups, V-ups (which I think are great), ab wheels, and various other exercises.
But there's one important part of the puzzle they're missing.
Back to that a bit later.
Some parts of society today still believe that if you do 1,000 sit ups per day you're going to have great looking abs.
But guess what? Spot reducing doesn't exist! I hate to tell you this, but you can do 1 million sit ups and your stomach probably isn't going to be any different than if you did 10.
You'll have the endurance of a marathon runner in your abs, but that's about it.
If you want to figure out what the best stomach exercise is, you need to think a little deeper.
To make it easy on you, I'll help you out - since I'm such a nice guy.
You see, there is no point in having chiseled abdominals if you have a big layer of fat covering them.
They might be rock-solid with deep grooves in them but if there's a lot of fat covering them it's not going to make a difference in how you look.
So What Is The Best Stomach Exercise? The secret to this is simply eating healthy so you can lose the fat covering your abdominals.
That, my friend, is the best stomach exercise.
Just look at any skinny person.
Even if they don't work out you can probably at least partially see their abs.
If they worked out you could probably see them within a month.
The secret to having good looking abs is having a low body fat percentage.
Once you get under 10% if your a guy, or about 14% if you're a girl, you're going to have great looking abs.
These percentages may vary but for the average person it's about right.
So do yourself a favor and stop looking for the best stomach exercise and start educating yourself on how to eat the foods and do the right exercises that are going to help you lose weight the fastest.
It might cost you a few bucks (reading books was the best health decision of my life), but believe me - it's well worth it.
You pay for something once but have that knowledge for a lifetime!