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What Type of Retaining Wall Should You Build?

If you have an erosion problem, steep incline, unsteady bank, slope or hillside you are most likely thinking that you need some sort of a retaining wall.
There are different types of material used to build retaining walls - wood, keystone blocks, concrete and boulders.
You shouldn't jump to a quick decision about the type of material you need for your wall neither should you let a landscape contractor or home improvement store employee talk you into a material that may not be right for your situation.
First look at your area and decide how big of a wall you need.
If you need a wall over three feet you might have to get a permit from your local planning department.
Also, larger walls may require the use of specialized equipment especially if you decide you want to use boulders to build your wall.
Can you rent the equipment you need to build your boulder wall? Or, if you don't have the time and expertise to build the wall, can you work with a landscape contractor to get the job done right? Although most landscape contractors can readily build a wall from square blocks, such as keystone, are they adept at the tasks needed to craft a proper boulder wall that will withstand nature and time? Take a look at your home and the surrounding yard.
A formal setting may be more suited for a keystone block wall.
Keystone comes in various colors and patterns and you can even lay a formal brick patio that will match your keystone retaining wall.
A wooden wall tends to be a bit more informal and is often used when planting beds will be placed on top of the wall.
Concrete retaining walls are somewhat inflexible and more suited for a commercial than residential setting.
If you have a lake home or are in a country setting, you may want to think of building a retaining wall from boulders.
Boulders give a retaining wall a more natural and easy flowing appearance.
Larger boulders make a wall more professional looking and are generally more stable.
Remember, if you have a large retaining wall and heavy soil there will be a great deal of pressure on the wall.
Make sure you reinforce the wall as needed and have the appropriate landscape fabric behind the wall.
No matter what type o retaining wall you decide to build, consult a professional or do research before tackling the project.
A well built retaining wall should look attractive, last for years and add value to your home.

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