Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Tips For A Healthy And Happy Pregnancy

Keep a journal throughout your pregnancy. The gift of a pregnancy journal can be just as special to your child. Try to write about how you are feeling, your excitement about a new life growing inside you, and your hopes and dreams for him or her. Your child will really enjoy this gift later.

Your doctor will either prescribe or recommend a prenatal vitamin. You need to take your vitamin every single day to help prevent problems down the line. These vitamins will provide you with the nutrients you need to ensure that your baby is healthy.

Avoid cigarette smoke and alcohol while you're pregnant to better the chances of having a healthy baby. Your unborn baby can be harmed when you consume alcohol, use drugs or use nicotine products. Both legal drugs, such as medications prescribed by your doctor, and illegal drugs can prove harmful. Additionally, you need to eat only healthy foods and stay away from food items that could compromise your baby's health.

A good sports bras can be an important item in a pregnant woman's wardrobe. These bras can support your breasts better and provide some relief from aches and pains. You should also avoid tight underwear around the waist. If you do, you could not only cause additional discomfort for yourself, but you could also decrease the oxygen supply for your baby.

Ease your muscles prior to slumber by stretching each night before bed. Leg cramps are common during pregnancy because of weight gain. Stretching prior to bed relaxes muscles, so that they don't cramp later in the evening. You will also sleep better!

During your months of pregnancy, you should not treat any acne you have with salicylic acid. Though salicylic acid is an effective way to clean and tone your skin, it is also dangerous to your developing baby. A safer alternative is to use a daily cleanser that's mild and formulated to rid your skin of acne as well as prevent breakouts.

Make sure you spend some time on yourself. Parenting is a complex job that often doesn't leave a lot of free time available, so take the time to pamper yourself while you can. Go and get a manicure, spend time with friends, or take part in your favorite hobby. You will be happier, and the baby will feel the effects.

Remember, there is no need to try to become an expert overnight. Remember, it's not a race; your pregnancy will more than likely span all of nine months. You can find out what you need to know as you go along. Start by using the ideas here, and then over time add more to your knowledge. Have as much fun as you can while being pregnant. Many women find pregnancy a special and enjoyable time, so try to cultivate this attitude rather than stressing out over your health.

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