Health & Medical Parenting

Spring Activities for Teens Week Five

Teen Activities for Spring Quick Links:

Week 4 | Teen Activities for Spring Index | Week 6

Make This:

Fried Ice Cream
Warm weather brings out all kinds of ice cream recipes. Try this one.

Learn How:

Make a kite.
Kites are lots of fun! They also have quite a following as a hobby. There’s even a kite association, American Kitefliers Association. And they have deemed April as National Kite Month. There are three different kit plans on their site.

Get Out and Go:

Biking and Hiking
Go biking or hiking on a rail trail. Rail trails are fun to explore and perfect for outdoor recreation. Take a camera and snap pictures of things that show you spring is here.

Craft This:

A kite bookmark is an easy craft to make with a group of teens or to make a few at a time for gifts.

Teen Activities for Spring Quick Links:

Week 4 | Teen Activities for Spring Index | Week 6

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