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Labor Certification Process of USA - Things Explained for the Immigrants

Labor certification is complicated immigration process. The goal of the process is to protect the workers of America. The process is to ensure that the foreign workers do not displace the US nationals.

Several options are available to the employers who are opting for foreign workers. The employers hire he foreign workers on long term basis. The positions are all temporary. The positions are enough to meet the requirement of both the employers and the employees. However, when the employer desires to hire the employee on a permanent basis the matter becomes complicated and a lengthy green card application process takes place.

The process can take years to come to an end. The first stage of the process is labor certification. The certification process is just to establish that the more qualified US workers do not get deprived from their rightful position. In case there is a qualified worker who can get the job done, the foreign worker will not be able to get the position.

However, the US authority will not deport you from the country without any given time. You will be allowed to finish your work, before you leave the country. To prevent this you will require legal assistance from a competent lawyer experienced in labor certification Miami.

Until 1998 the original process of labor certification has been used. In this process the instructions are given to the employers about the employment process. Once the employers have complied to the instruction, they will have to argue and justify the hiring of a foreign national instead of home grown talent.

Controversy is never far away from this process. Those who support the process continuously argue that those who are capable workers get hired in this process. Sometimes the employers hire an employee on a long term basis. Once the employee is hired the employer change the requirement of the job keeping the worker in mind.

Steps of Labor Certification Process

Application Process âEUR" The employer files the certification with the employment security agency. Information in this petition include the detailed description of the job, educational qualification, training required for the job purpose and experience of the candidate.

Review âEUR" Once the petition is submitted, the matter gets reviewed by the authority. Modification in the application can be made depending on the requirement.

Recruiting Campaign âEUR" After everything the employer will begin a campaign for recruitment. This will be closely watched by the authority. Once everything is done, the result submission takes place.

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