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How To Obtain a Partner Visa in Australia

Partner Visa is essential in Australia for those people who have been legally married or their relationship is known as de facto. After the necessary criteria are fulfilled, a temporary Partner Visa is provided. Later, after two years, they can obtain a permanent Partner Visa if all their credentials are according to rules.

Essential conditions

A person is entitled for this visa if he or she intends to be in Australia with his or her partner. There are certain conditions that have to be followed. To get this visa you must be married to or in a de facto relationship with an; Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligble New Zealand citizen. The spouse or de facto partner that is an Australian Citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligble New Zealand citizen must sponsor the applicant of the Partner Visa.

Obtaining Visa

There are several issues that are considered in Australia before providing a Partner Visa. All applicants have to adhere to very strict rules and regulations when they apply for a Partner Visa. The immigration department of Australia holds complete authority to decline or grant a Partner Visa. Hence, all the applications that they receive to obtain permission to live in Australia should cover and fulfil their conditions.

In Australia, a spouse or de facto partner has the right to stay with their soupse or de facto partner if all the requirements of the immigration department are satisfied and are verified by them.

If the applicant is married then it is vital that a marriage certificate be provided by the couple to indicate the validity of the relationship. They must have a commitment to a shared life as husband and wife to the exclusion of all others, the relationship must be genuine and continuing, they must be living toegther and cannot be living apart on a permanent basis.

If the applicant is in a de facto relationship then hey must have a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion of all others, the relationship between them is genuine and continuing, they must live together or do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis and they are not related by family. You must have been living together for at least 12 months.

Health and character are also considered to be important before granting a Partner Visa in Australia.

Medical check up has to be undergone by the applicant for the Parnter Visa by the medical institution designated by the Australian authorities. The results of the report must be produced along with the Partner Visa application. Another important test that the apllicant for the Parnter visa should go through is for HIV and AIDS prior to obtaining permission to settle in Australia.

Other necessary conditions

One of the other conditions that have to be fulfilled by the sponsor is that he or she should produce evidence that he or she has the capacity to support the applicant. This can be achieved by producing his or her current pay slip indicating his or her income.

Permission to work may be granted to the holder of a Partner Visa however there are condtions that will be imposed. These must be followed or otherwise the holder of the Parnter Visa will be at risk of having their visa terminated for a breach of visa conditions.


There are several strict rules and regulations that have to be complied with before applying for a Partner Visa in Australia. You can certainly obtain the visa if all the conditions are satisfactory to the immigration department in Australia.

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