How to Really Use Article Marketing to Increase Your Traffic by Spades!
You hear all the time that using article marketing to increase web traffic.
Now you want to know how to do this and do it right? Look no further, as I will spill the beans about using this powerful resource to increase your traffic.
Here are the 4 steps to learn how to use article marketing to increase web traffic: 1.
Write New Articles Once Per Week Target traffic by writing one new article per week about your product and submit to any search engine.
Remember to send one per week to the same search engine or engines for maximum benefit.
Use this article marketing to increase web traffic.
Write Keyword-Optimized Titles Keyword Titles are the most important thing to remember when writing your articles.
The keyword phrase needs to be in the first few words of the title.
This will maximize the potential for search engines to find your articles.
Know What You Are Writing About When writing your articles, remember that it is in three parts.
Each of those three parts has a purpose and by writing your articles correctly, you will have articles that inspire, teach and inform all at the same time.
Submit Your Articles Submitting article marketing to increase web traffic is in fact an easy process.
You send your articles out to the search engines, once per week in order to capitalize on the ranking system.
Using the main search engines is by far the best way to get your articles out there and seen.
Once you use this formula, sit back and watch the traffic flow to your web site and watch the customers' line up for your product.
Now you want to know how to do this and do it right? Look no further, as I will spill the beans about using this powerful resource to increase your traffic.
Here are the 4 steps to learn how to use article marketing to increase web traffic: 1.
Write New Articles Once Per Week Target traffic by writing one new article per week about your product and submit to any search engine.
Remember to send one per week to the same search engine or engines for maximum benefit.
Use this article marketing to increase web traffic.
Write Keyword-Optimized Titles Keyword Titles are the most important thing to remember when writing your articles.
The keyword phrase needs to be in the first few words of the title.
This will maximize the potential for search engines to find your articles.
Know What You Are Writing About When writing your articles, remember that it is in three parts.
Each of those three parts has a purpose and by writing your articles correctly, you will have articles that inspire, teach and inform all at the same time.
Submit Your Articles Submitting article marketing to increase web traffic is in fact an easy process.
You send your articles out to the search engines, once per week in order to capitalize on the ranking system.
Using the main search engines is by far the best way to get your articles out there and seen.
Once you use this formula, sit back and watch the traffic flow to your web site and watch the customers' line up for your product.