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How to Use Swimming Pool Clarifiers

    • 1). Run your swimming pool filter for 24 to 48 hours. If the pool is still cloudy then move to Step 2 to add the clarifier.

    • 2). Add the amount of clarifier into your swimming pool according to the package directions. It depends on how large of a swimming pool you have, how much clarifier you add for effectiveness. Purchase the clarifier from the Resources section.

    • 3). Let your swimming pool sit with the clarifier working. Keep the filter running overnight to collect any particles that the clarifier clumps together.

    • 4). Vacuum out the clumped particles on the bottom of the pool the filter did not remove. Keep the filter running to remove any pieces that break off while vacuuming.

    • 5). Test your swimming pool water for pool chemical levels. When the pool levels are back to normal, it is safe for swimming.

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