Health & Medical Anti Aging

Rejuvenate With 5 Simple Anti Aging Tips

Many of us are conscious when it comes to the way we appear physically. We always wanted to have young looking skin even as we grow old. However as we age, our skin appears to encounter aging signs and problems. But there are actually anti aging tips on how to regulate, reduce and help you fight skin aging problems. This article aims to help you by giving 5 easy to follow Anti Aging tips on how to acquire younger-looking, soft and beautiful skin.

These are the Five (5) Anti Aging Tips:

1. Exercise

We all know that one of the obvious sign of aging aside from skin appearance is our posture. Exercise is essential to our body. It improves our bone density for our good posture and helps our skin keep in tight. It also helps us maintain our muscle mass to prevent saggy arms and remove toxins by the process of perspiration. When we perspire, we eliminate dirt from our skin.

2. Stay away From the Sun

One of the reasons we acquire dull skin as we age is because of the long exposure from the sun. Though, exposing to the Ultra Violet Radiation (UV) from the sun helps us stimulate the production of Vitamin A which is also needed by the skin in producing melatonin. However, we must be aware of over exposure to UV radiation. Too much exposure from UV radiation will destroy the collagen and elastin in our skin which are responsible for tightening the skin. Too much exposure to UV radiation will reduce our body's ability in performing to make new collagen to replace the destroyed ones. In order to situate solution to over sun exposure, it is better to use sunblock creams. These creams have Sun Protection Factor (SPF) that will fight UV radiation directing to our face.

3. Eat Healthy foods

It is recommended to eat good foods that are healthy for our skin. What we eat actually brought changes that appear to our skin. Foods which contain antioxidants are just an example that will help our body eliminate toxins from bad foods that we ate. Antioxidants are substances that protect our cells against the effects of free radicals. Antioxidants are present in tomatoes, berries and green leafy veggies like spinach and broccoli.

4. Eliminate Smoking habit

Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health - this is what the quote says so as to your skin. Smoking has caused serious effects in our skin. When you smoke, you will typically look older because it speeds up the aging process. This is because appearance causes biochemical changes in our skin cells whenever smoke comes in contact with our skin. It damages our collagen and elastin which provide strength and elasticity on our skin tissues. The nicotine, which is a harmful component of a cigarette causes the narrowing of blood vessels on the layers of the skin. Because of this, our skin cannot get enough oxygen it needs as well as other vitamins needed by our skin. The sagging of our skin is also a cause of smoking. Smoking also changes the redness of your lips making it dark and violet. So when you wish to have a good, elastic and young looking skin, quitting smoking is one of the best ways you can ever do.

5. Free Stress, Enjoy Life

Stress undeniably causes a dull and haggard appearance to your face. With stress, ugly eye bags are developed, making your aging process observable. On the other occurrence, reducing stress in your daily living is an internal anti aging technique. When you practice stress free living, you acquire good sleep which helps regulate the appearance eye lines, wrinkles and eye bags. The most preferable stress reducers are exercise. Exercise can help you release pressures and help you acquire balance living.

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