How to Cut Metal With a Torch
- 1). Attach regulators to the gas and oxygen tanks, using a wrench to tighten the collars. Attach the red hose to the gas tank regulator and the green hose to the oxygen regulator. The hoses will have specific connectors on the ends so that they are connected to the right tank.
- 2). Attach the cutting torch to the hoses. The hoses will only connect to the torch a specific way due to the way the connectors are manufactured.
- 3). Ensure that the cutting torch dials are turned off. Next, turn the tank valves on.
- 4). Turn the gas and oxygen dials on at the base of the cutting torch. Place the torch lighter at the tip of the torch and ignite. Adjust the gas dial so a controlled burn is present at the tip of the torch.
- 5). Turn the oxygen blast dial located at the base of the oxygen blast trigger about a half turn. Squeeze the trigger and adjust the cutting torch flame so that a tight compact white flame with a blue flame surrounding it is present.
- 6). Release the oxygen trigger on the torch and place the flame about 1/2 inch away from the metal that will be cut with the torch. Wait until the metal turns a red color from the heat and then press the oxygen trigger. The white flame should start to melt the metal.
- 7). In a controlled motion, slowly cut through the metal. Moving too slow or too fast can result in a burnout at the torch, unsightly cuts or molten metal shooting into the air.