Understanding of the Times
Without us knowing Jesus personally as the Son of God, with the cleansing power from sin unto salvation by blood wash sanctification, which dwells within our hearts, then we too is lost in a sinful world. We may not fully understand why there are so much opposition to the salvation message, but I think we have some idea from the scriptures, that the god of this world has blinded the minds of the people with a spirit of strong delusion.
The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel. So enlightening news would not shine upon them. 2 Corinthians 4:4
Expect changing happiness in a changing world, but all sorrow and pain must one day come to an unexpected end. It is our duty to love one another, and seize the opportunity at every given moment. The worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth can make people procrastinate.
Yet, the time that we have, or what we think we have left, denotes a fixed period, which defines the beginning and the ending. And it simply means there is a limit to how long we shall go on for.
It is important to understand the times in which we are living, in relation to the rapidity of the Lords coming, for no one on earth, or in heaven knows the precise day of the week that Jesus will be coming down back to Earth. But we have been given signs relating to the end times, and prophecies which are to be fulfilled before he returns.
And of the children of Issachar, who were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; 1 chronicles 12:32
And it does not require a scientific mind to work out that things has gone from bad to worse within the last century, for humanity has move away from a vital relationship with God, to be handling their own governmental affairs. The world as we know it today is a pale shadow of the civilization in the ancient world, the secret of things they took for granted, we are now teaching our children from text books.
In ancient history, Gods chosen people the Israelite, had pass through a time of suffering down in Egyptian, then when they were set free, there followed a time of wilderness wandering, which lasted forty years. Likewise, our lives is arranged in parallel columns, to similar arrangements as time and season.
There are many traditions in the world, but one thing we can all agree upon, is that we are creatures of time. As regarding criminals they get time for doing a crime. We ourselves don't really know how much time we have left, but long as it may be; at some point we will have to contemplate eternity.
There is a season for everything, and a time for every event under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1 there will be days of prosperity and joy, but there will also be days of adversity. In the morning it could be foul weather, but later on during the afternoon, the skies may light up with the colors of a rainbow.
Time does not go on forever, although eternity is endless, our time here on earth is a measured velocity characterize by what we do, and while we are here it's time for reasoning about the concept of beliefs that we hold. For there is no reality of eternal life in this world, but we are assured that after this life there is an unending rebirth.
Which suggest that a Christian life consist of, birth, death and immortal rebirth. It is understood then that time is a parenthesis within eternity, and that it consists of advantages which will divide history into periods marked by significant meteorological changes.
In comparing all that we see and understand, do not be confused into thinking that God is slack concerning his promise. The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some people understand slowness, but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent. 2 peter 3:9
Revelation points out that time is not on our side, for the time to die is fast approaching, and time waits for no man in the appointment of death, this proposition stands under the umbrella of one another, and time does not cry out for help with illness.
Understanding the present time is the key to wisdom. And knowledge increases our understanding about the principles of the kingdom. But in the mind of God, patients means salvation for more people, and time is a lengthening of mercies for more many to repent.
There is a new Clock not governed by time and seasons
At the seconding coming of Christ back to this earth, the old regime of government operation will be terminated, for the government will be upon his shoulders and Christ will reign as king of kings, and Lord of Lords. God is infinite and exist outside of time, but we are finite and exist within time.
The time that precede the second coming of the Lord is known as the tribulation period. An era characterized by certain apocalyptic features. Biblical prophecies affirms that humanity has begun proceeding down the road towards the end of a dispensation
Then the culmination of the redemptive plan of God will be fully reveal, and during the time when all this is taking place, humanity will face some most horrendous moments that the world has ever seen, and many more people will move further into apostasy. Revelation calls it the day of wrath, effectively it's the end of the age.
The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel. So enlightening news would not shine upon them. 2 Corinthians 4:4
Expect changing happiness in a changing world, but all sorrow and pain must one day come to an unexpected end. It is our duty to love one another, and seize the opportunity at every given moment. The worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth can make people procrastinate.
Yet, the time that we have, or what we think we have left, denotes a fixed period, which defines the beginning and the ending. And it simply means there is a limit to how long we shall go on for.
It is important to understand the times in which we are living, in relation to the rapidity of the Lords coming, for no one on earth, or in heaven knows the precise day of the week that Jesus will be coming down back to Earth. But we have been given signs relating to the end times, and prophecies which are to be fulfilled before he returns.
And of the children of Issachar, who were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; 1 chronicles 12:32
And it does not require a scientific mind to work out that things has gone from bad to worse within the last century, for humanity has move away from a vital relationship with God, to be handling their own governmental affairs. The world as we know it today is a pale shadow of the civilization in the ancient world, the secret of things they took for granted, we are now teaching our children from text books.
In ancient history, Gods chosen people the Israelite, had pass through a time of suffering down in Egyptian, then when they were set free, there followed a time of wilderness wandering, which lasted forty years. Likewise, our lives is arranged in parallel columns, to similar arrangements as time and season.
There are many traditions in the world, but one thing we can all agree upon, is that we are creatures of time. As regarding criminals they get time for doing a crime. We ourselves don't really know how much time we have left, but long as it may be; at some point we will have to contemplate eternity.
There is a season for everything, and a time for every event under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1 there will be days of prosperity and joy, but there will also be days of adversity. In the morning it could be foul weather, but later on during the afternoon, the skies may light up with the colors of a rainbow.
Time does not go on forever, although eternity is endless, our time here on earth is a measured velocity characterize by what we do, and while we are here it's time for reasoning about the concept of beliefs that we hold. For there is no reality of eternal life in this world, but we are assured that after this life there is an unending rebirth.
Which suggest that a Christian life consist of, birth, death and immortal rebirth. It is understood then that time is a parenthesis within eternity, and that it consists of advantages which will divide history into periods marked by significant meteorological changes.
In comparing all that we see and understand, do not be confused into thinking that God is slack concerning his promise. The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some people understand slowness, but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent. 2 peter 3:9
Revelation points out that time is not on our side, for the time to die is fast approaching, and time waits for no man in the appointment of death, this proposition stands under the umbrella of one another, and time does not cry out for help with illness.
Understanding the present time is the key to wisdom. And knowledge increases our understanding about the principles of the kingdom. But in the mind of God, patients means salvation for more people, and time is a lengthening of mercies for more many to repent.
There is a new Clock not governed by time and seasons
At the seconding coming of Christ back to this earth, the old regime of government operation will be terminated, for the government will be upon his shoulders and Christ will reign as king of kings, and Lord of Lords. God is infinite and exist outside of time, but we are finite and exist within time.
The time that precede the second coming of the Lord is known as the tribulation period. An era characterized by certain apocalyptic features. Biblical prophecies affirms that humanity has begun proceeding down the road towards the end of a dispensation
Then the culmination of the redemptive plan of God will be fully reveal, and during the time when all this is taking place, humanity will face some most horrendous moments that the world has ever seen, and many more people will move further into apostasy. Revelation calls it the day of wrath, effectively it's the end of the age.