Health & Medical Health Care

Using Medical Walkers With Wheels Can Be Fun - 5 Fun Ways To Spice Up Your Walker

Medical walkers with wheels is a modified version of the standard walking frame which seniors who experience difficulty regarding mobility use to keep them balanced as they are upright.
These medical walkers with wheels have helped seniors keep their independence by providing them with a device that they can hold on to for support when they want to do their own shopping or when they want to take a stroll at the park.
Seniors can sure use a cane for this purpose but the problem with canes is that there are times when instead of helping the senior with balance, they cause the senior to trip and fall down.
There are walkers without wheels but for seniors who have weakened muscular strength in the arms these mobility aids are out of the question because the constant lifting will easily tire them out.
The medical walkers with wheels are great for seniors who have diminished muscular strength but can still walk with supports because this type of walker is pushed instead of lifted up.
The problem with these walkers however, is that they are not the most stylish of mobility devices.
To make your walkers for seniors fun, more useful, or interesting to onlookers, you can actually spice up your walker to personalize this mobility aid.
Here are ideas on how to spice up a walker.
  • If you have difficulties with balance, it will indeed be a problem if you got caught up in the rain while taking a stroll outdoors.
    Of course since both hands are occupied while operating the rolling walker, you will not be able to hold on to an umbrella.
    An umbrella holder can help you make your walker more functional.
    This accessory can easily be attached to the walker and can hold your umbrella for you on rainy or sunny weather.
  • If you are like many seniors who suffer from breathing problems then there are times that you must bring little oxygen tanks with you wherever you go.
    Bringing O2 tanks are easier with the addition of a tank holder that allow the owner to clip the tank to the rolling walkers.
  • You will certainly love doing your own shopping because with a basket attachment, you have a place where you will be able to stash your stuff however, if you want a nicer and a more secure storage space, you can buy bags with zippers.
    The great thing about bags is that aside from the fact that they can easily be hanged on the front or back of the walker, there are many options regarding colors, sizes, and styles; in fact there are bags that are made to look like designer bags or just a plain colored bag.
  • There are banners for medical walkers with wheels which you can use to accessorize your walker.
    These banners may contain expressions or memorable quotes, one such design had "Aged to perfection" written on the banner.
    A banner make the walker user look cool to onlookers and evokes the impression of aging gracefully.
    Further, some banners have pockets at its back where the senior can put his wallet, keys, cell phone or other small items.
  • You can apply stickers that have humor or even comical.
    For special occasions like Christmas, you can keep up with the holiday spirit by wrapping lights around the legs of the walker.
There are other ways to spice up your medical walkers with wheels if you have other ideas why don't you go for them? Think out of the box and surely you will be able to come up with ideas on how to make your walker more fun to use.

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