Reviewed - Dog Training - A Comprehensive Guide
I am the lucky owner of a wonderful King Charles Spaniel.
Her name is Bella and she was a rescue dog so she had previously had a bad time of it.
Her former owners didn't treat her well and she had no concept of obedience.
She was only a year or so old and had such a lovely nature that we couldn't resist her, even though we could see she needed some proper dog training.
Want to know more: Dog Training: A Comprehensive Guide Training Bella We took her home and gave her a few days to settle in and get used to her new surroundings.
We knew then we had made the right decision in choosing her as she settled in immediately and was great with our kids.
However, she was still very naughty so I set about researching dog training in order for me (and the family) to train her.
I came across the book Dog Training: A Comprehensive Guide and thought for the price it was worth a try.
I was sceptical about using a book at first thinking that really I should be taking Bella to dog training classes, however when I started to read the guide I felt much more comfortable about doing the training myself (well me and the family!).
You'll need a couple of other things along with the book, a leash, some small treats and time to spend with the dog.
Hopefully these are all things any dog owner should have already.
The book is laid out in 10 logical chapters, starting with the simple and getting to the more advanced stages.
The earlier chapters are all about gaining your dog's trust, something Bella and I had to work at quiet hard given Bella's upbringing this far.
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with Bella.
I am lucky enough to have time during the day to spend with her and we have developed a really special bond.
It's hard work to spend the time and be patient with the dog but the rewards far outweigh this.
Dog Training Summary Her behaviour has improved no end.
She no longer jumps up when you greet her, she has learned some tricks and now obeys us for most commands.
She still has a slightly naughty streak, but now it's more playful than disobedient.
For the money this guide has been great.
The whole family have been involved and helped along the way with the training.
I would recommend anyone wanting to train, or at least understand their dog better to read this book.
Her name is Bella and she was a rescue dog so she had previously had a bad time of it.
Her former owners didn't treat her well and she had no concept of obedience.
She was only a year or so old and had such a lovely nature that we couldn't resist her, even though we could see she needed some proper dog training.
Want to know more: Dog Training: A Comprehensive Guide Training Bella We took her home and gave her a few days to settle in and get used to her new surroundings.
We knew then we had made the right decision in choosing her as she settled in immediately and was great with our kids.
However, she was still very naughty so I set about researching dog training in order for me (and the family) to train her.
I came across the book Dog Training: A Comprehensive Guide and thought for the price it was worth a try.
I was sceptical about using a book at first thinking that really I should be taking Bella to dog training classes, however when I started to read the guide I felt much more comfortable about doing the training myself (well me and the family!).
You'll need a couple of other things along with the book, a leash, some small treats and time to spend with the dog.
Hopefully these are all things any dog owner should have already.
The book is laid out in 10 logical chapters, starting with the simple and getting to the more advanced stages.
The earlier chapters are all about gaining your dog's trust, something Bella and I had to work at quiet hard given Bella's upbringing this far.
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with Bella.
I am lucky enough to have time during the day to spend with her and we have developed a really special bond.
It's hard work to spend the time and be patient with the dog but the rewards far outweigh this.
Dog Training Summary Her behaviour has improved no end.
She no longer jumps up when you greet her, she has learned some tricks and now obeys us for most commands.
She still has a slightly naughty streak, but now it's more playful than disobedient.
For the money this guide has been great.
The whole family have been involved and helped along the way with the training.
I would recommend anyone wanting to train, or at least understand their dog better to read this book.