How to Clean Your Room Easier
- 1). Sort the items in the room into three piles. One pile is for items that should be thrown out. A second is for those that need to go into a different room and the third is for items that should be put somewhere in that room.
- 2). Throw away the items that should go in the trash and take the items that should go somewhere else into the room where they belong.
- 3). Put away any items in the room that should stay there, such as clothing.
- 4). Get some storage bins if you have more items than space in your room. Large plastic storage bins can be used to organize almost any type of household item. Stack them neatly in a closet or against the wall.
- 5). Make the bed. Making the bed is an easy, quick way to make a room look cleaner and more organized.
- 6). Run a duster over all hard surfaces in the room, including electronics, which have a tendency to attract dust.
- 7). Vacuum the floor, carpeting or any rugs in the room to remove any dust that settled after dusting. Be sure to vacuum under furniture, such as a bed.