Health & Medical Lose Weight

Lose Belly Fat in 4 Easy Steps

Vanity is usually the main reason one decides to deflate that spare tire.
But that extra 15 or 20 pounds of belly fat also carries with it an added risk of health problems, like heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
That unwanted baggage may have been hanging on too many years, but it can be made to disappear with the right mindset, healthy nutrition, the right hydration, and exercise.
Attitude is the Foundation of Healthy Weight Loss The first and primary factor in losing belly fat is Mind set.
Too often, people sabotage themselves with self doubt, lack of focus,and an overall negative, or deprivation attitude.
A goal must be set, a plan must be implemented and kept in focus, and a firm belief must be held, that it's going to happen.
Losing that belly fat is more that wanting to go from a size 16 to a 10, or from a 46 to a 32.
It's all about a change in lifestyle-healthy living.
This is something other than dieting or not being able the eat the foods you really want.
Developing a mindset of healthy eating will result in an attitude of healthful living rather than dieting.
Eating for Nutrition People often times feel that losing weight means being deprived of the things they love.
Usually those things are processed carbs-breads, pastries, sauces, condiments, and other prepared foods containing High Fructose Corn Syrup, and trans fats.
Assume that all processed foods contain Trans fats, even when the label may say Zero Trans fats.
Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, (organic preferably) poultry, lean meat, nuts, legumes, beans whole eggs, etc.
, is the basis of healthy eating, which, in and of itself, reduces calories.
(Counting calories is a nice way to drive yourself crazy.
) Eating the right foods in reasonable size portions will set you on the path to whatever weight loss goal you have in mind.
Eating right does not have to be implemented all at once.
Ideally, it's a gradual process, taken one step at a time.
Clean Water is Essential Water is important, but the quality of water is usually overlooked.
Tap water, across the board, and some bottled water, is not fit for human consumption, despite what some experts want you to believe.
There is so much junk in the water, you want to drink only the cleanest water possible, water processed through reverse osmosis.
And if water is supposed to help rid the body of toxins, does it make any sense drinking water laced with toxins? There are so many variations on the theme-How much water do you need each day.
From one corner you hear --Eight glasses for sure.
Another-half your body weight in ounces.
(So if you weigh 200 pounds, you would need 100 ounces daily.
There are 128 ounces in a gallon of water, so 100 ounces would be a little over 3/4 of a gallon.
) Above all, quality is more critical than quantity.
Exercise Enhances a Well Designed Meal Plan Healthy eating will start you on the road to fitness, but without exercise, it is a slower process.
A healthy diet without exercise is kinda like a One-Two punch, but without the Two.
Now just as the weight, including belly fat, didn't appear overnight, it's not going to come off overnight.
No, not even with one of those fantastic Ab Gizmos you see on late night TV, or doing Ab crunches or sit ups will melt fat.
Those things may help tone your muscles (hidden under the belly fat) but, to really get toned, you need to do some regular cardio, about 30 minutes, along with some resistance training.
Exercise can be added slowly, starting with 5 minutes, something more strenuous than walking, something that elevates your heart rate, just high enough where you can carry on a conversation without gasping for air.
If you are unable to exercise in a traditional fashion, try resistance bands with that part of your body that you might be able to exercise.

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