Health & Medical Medicine

Is Tummy Tuck Surgery Right for Me?

Many women considering having a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, are under the false impression that the procedure can be performed on anyone who is interested in it.
However, a tummy tuck is an elective cosmetic surgery procedure which can only be performed when certain criteria are met.
If you meet these criteria, and believe that this is right for you, then it is important to schedule a consultation appointment with a Board Certified plastic surgeon in your area to discuss your needs.
Is It Appropriate for You? In order to meet the criteria for a tummy tuck, you will likely be examined for the following: * Some excess fat in your abdominal area which cannot be removed through diet or exercise alone * Excess skin on your abdominal area which either sags or has an over-hang * Laxity of your abdominal skin caused by previous pregnancy, age, or weight gain or loss.
* Bulging of the true abdominal wall caused by pregnancy * Bulging of the abdominal area caused by being over-weight.
Don't we all want a smooth, shapely middle! Ah ...
but simply having a lot of excess belly fat or the inability to lose weight are not reasons for this surgery.
This also addresses the issues of lax stomach skin and bulging of the abdominal wall.
In addition, this procedure will remove some excess fat in the area when it is necessary; however, for removal of larger amounts of belly fat you will likely need liposuction in addition to, a tummy tuck.
If you have had children, or if you have lost a large amount of weight, you may be noticing that your stomach is sagging and hanging a bit.
Many women in this situation have scheduled appointments with a plastic surgeon and expressed an interest in simply having liposuction to fix the problem.
But they are disappointed when they find out that liposuction alone will not help them ...
they need to have it performed in order to get to the true root of the problem - their abdominal wall bulging and laxity of their abdominal skin.
What to do if you feel a Tummy Tuck is Right for You? If you feel that a tummy tuck is appropriate for your needs, you should locate a plastic surgeon in your area that is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Many doctors today expand their core practices to include some cosmetic surgery procedures; however, if you are going to have an abdominoplasty you should have it performed by a Board Certified plastic surgeon for your safety and to achieve the best results possible.
To find a Board Certified plastic surgeon in your area, simply contact your local hospital or the American Board of Plastic Surgery directly.

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