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Want To Know About Different Kinds Of Air Plants

If you are curious to know about different kinds of air plants then this article can surely help you in this regard.

As far as air plants are concerned, these are the plans do not require soil to survive. These plants do not depend on soil in terms of living their life. Generally, these plants are seen in forests attached to some another plant or stone. These plants are not parasitic and only attached to another plants for just taking support. Even though, there are different kinds of these plants available but Tillandsia is the one getting huge popularity among people, these days. These plants are having over 500 species in the Bromeliad family and Tillandsia is seen on tropical regions and mostly used as a houseplant, these days. This specific plant is being also used as a decor plant as it can be conveniently attached on woods, stones or even conch shells with great ease. These are very small plants that normally look like the head of a pineapple. The leaves of these plants can be either thin or thick as these are depends on the area where grown. As the leaves of the plants absorbs minerals and plants and thus it does not need soil to survive.

Platycerium is also another kind having more than 10 species of fern. These kinds of plants are mostly found on the tropical regions attached to rocks and trees. The fern is very popular among people for being its oddly-shaped leaves and so it is also called staghorn or elkhorn. Moreover, these plants do not even fall off when they die. In fact, they are still attached to their supporters. This plant is also having a special part which is called basal fronds normally used in terms of protecting the roots of the fern from damage. Though, these plants are very similar to the other plants but it does not require soil to survive. It only requires water, fertilization and sunlight as well. However, it does not need much water to take care of it and can easily be attached to anything in your house whether it is rocks or woods.

Cattley is also another type of air plants having over a 100 species. These are usually attached to cork barks. It is mainly known for its small and colorful flowers that can only grow up to more than 10 centimeters. These plants use its roots in order to absorb water and minerals. More to the point, the thick roots of this plant also wraps around the bark for connection. People are using these plants at a great extent, nowadays.

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