Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Pool Safety Features

    Pool Alarm

    • A pool alarm can be installed either along the side of your pool, or you can have it floating in the pool when no one is using it. When someone gets in the pool when the alarm is set, the alarm can sense the displacement of water. You can set the sensitivity of your alarm to detect small children getting into the pool when they should not be, or small children that have fallen into the pool. The alarm can be set to go off inside the house to alert you of trouble.

    Drain Cover

    • Larger pools circulate water through a filtration system that drains through the bottom of the pool, and re-enters through hoses set up along the sides. If you do not put a drain cover over the drain of your pool, the suction can pull small children under the water and hold them there. A drain cover prevents a child's hands and feet from getting sucked down into the drain.


    • According to Superpages, you should have a fence surrounding the perimeter of your pool area. The fence should be at least 5 feet high and have a locking gate to keep children out when no one is there to watch them. The fence also acts as a deterrent to people that may want to use your pool when you are not at home, or when you are not using it yourself. In some cases, your local government may require a fence around your pool. Check to see if a fence is required in your area before installing your pool.

    Monitoring the Pool

    • According to Pool Center, you should have a clear view of your pool from your house so that you can watch children as they play, or so you can see if someone enters your pool uninvited. There should always be an adult monitoring children at the pool, and that adult should have CPR training so that they know what to do in case a child starts to drown.

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