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Pray For Six Pack Abs

Are you wanting a ripped set of six pack abs? Do you want a washboard stomach that looks and feels great? If that sounds like you, then are you praying for it?

Now I am not talking about religion, I'm talking about an incredible abdominal workout that will help carve out that washboard, flat stomach in no time at all. The exercise is called 'Praying' because that's exactly what it looks like you are doing.

If you get this technique right, then you will be amazed at the results. But always consult your doctor or GP before attempting any demanding workouts more exercise.

Once you are ready, start praying!

  • For this you will need to be in your gym and you will need to head straight to the cables. Grab the overhead cable and had a part to it. Preferably a close grip bar will be best.

  • Add a light weight to start with, until you get this technique right and then you can progress up the rack.

  • Gently engage the weight and pull down on the overhead cable until you can comfortably kneel on the floor with your hands at head height.

  • Gently focus on the abdominal muscles and begin to contract them, pulling their weight down until your arms touched the ground.

Exactly like you are praying and kissing the ground. Think of the Pope when he gets off an aeroplane!

  • Gradually disengage from the praying position, concentrating on relaxing the abdominal muscles slowly until you are in an upright kneeling position once again.

  • This is one repetition and you should aim to do 10 to 15 in each set. For a full abdominal workout complete 3 sets out your maximum weight.

  • Continue to do this with your normal workouts and in no time you will have a ripped set of six pack abs.

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