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houston haunted buildings

Jefferson Davis Hospital

This landmark built in 1924 and often referred to as one of the most haunted buildings in America, was built atop a burial grounds for confederate soldiers, slaves and city leaders. The Jefferson Davis Hospital sits creepily along the Buffalo Bayou near White Oak Dr. The building was recently renovated and transformed into the Elder Street Artist Lofts.

The Spaghetti Warehouse

The downtown landmark formerly occupied by a pharmaceutical company has been rumored of haunts for decades. The story begins with a distracted young pharmacist who suffered a fatal fall down a dark elevator shaft. His wife's death followed shortly after and allegedly led to the haunting of the building by lost souls in mourning.

Reported experiences: floating objects seen by employees as well as customers; cold moist breezes in bathroom stalls; vibrating salt shakers; shoulder tapping and hair tugging; orbs found in photographs

Brewery Tap

This nearly ancient bar in Houston's Historic Downtown District is home to one of the largest on-tap beer selections in the city. It is also rumored to be home to "William", the apparently gregarious ghost who is said to converse with bar customers from time to time. If you visit this site, be sure to make your way up to the bar and ask about the photo of the alleged ghost.

Reported experiences: conversations with ghosts; photographs of orbs; ghostly images of men dressed in 40's attire

Find the Most Haunted Buildings in the World

Founders Memorial Cemetery

This may seem like an obvious one as most cemeteries possess a certain eeriness. But the Founders Memorial Cemetery houses not only over 800 bodies of cholera victims, but many prominent figures in Houston as well. An Allen family member who was a co-founder of the city itself, the mother of Republic of Texas President Mirabeau B. Lamar and one of the signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence are all buried at this site.

Reported experiences: visible face of Robert Barr on his grave; full-bodied ghosts walking the premises

Celebrate Halloween Despite the Rain

Houston's main library from 1926 to 1976, the Juia Ideson Building is now a wing of the Houston Public Library's Central (downtown) branch. The Ideson building houses six floors of archives and what many believe to be a ghost and his canine companion. Jacob Cramer, the building's live-in janitor and violinist, died in his basement quarters in 1936. His ghost (and the ghost of his dog, Petey) are said to haunt the building even today.

Reported Experiences: sounds of violin music; sound of dog's nails clicking against marble floors

Halloween Costumes in Houston

The Wunsche Bros. building has worn many hats over the years: hotel, rail station, brothel and most recently, restaurant. The first two-story building in the town's history, the Wunsche Bros. Cafe remains one of the oldest remaining buildings in Old Town Spring. Legend has it that part-owner Charlie Wunsche who was brutally jilted by his love interest later returned to haunt the building and its visitors.

Reported experiences: sightings of Charlie in his former hotel room; employees being locked out of the building; sightings of Charlie on the balcony of the cafe.

Historic Landmarks in Houston

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