Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Mouthwash, Vanilla Extract, And Other Substances That Alcoholics May Turn To

Alcoholism is a dangerous disease; it is also very difficult to overcome. Often even after seeking alcohol detox in FL or California recovering alcoholics will relapse on what they believe to be seemingly safe substances. Sometimes the relapse is accidental. Other times an alcoholic is so desperate for any form of alcohol that they resort to drastic measures including drinking mouthwash, vanilla extract, rubbing alcohol, or many other substances that contain alcohol.


Alcoholism is classified as the compulsive or uncontrolled consumption of alcohol. This is normally done at the risk of the drinker's health, relationships, and can cause social problems as well.  The medical community has labeled this a disease that is classified as a neurological disorder. Other terms used in clued alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. It is a disease that runs across all demographics and is indiscriminate in who it affects. There are different stages of alcoholism as well as different subtypes. However no matter the state or subtype any problem with alcohol must be dealt with as it is a progressive disease that can eventually lead to death.

Alcohol Substitutions

When desperate some former alcoholics will do anything to achieve a state of intoxication. Sometimes, whether accidentally or intentionally this occurs by imbibing substitutions for alcohol, these include mouthwash, vanilla extract, and even rubbing alcohol. This is very dangerous behavior as these concoctions often aren't meant for human consumption or to be imbibed in large quantities.  


Mouthwash is perhaps one of the most popular choices as a substitution for alcohol. Often it is an accidental discovery. While in recovery an alcoholic may unintentionally swallow and due to the alcohol content in some mouthwashes which can be as much as 27%, may get the familiar effects of their previous alcohol drinking days. Others knowingly drink mouthwash because it's cheaper, can be bought anywhere, and flies under the radar when dealing with concerned friends or family members. Although mouthwash is save to use, swallowing of mouthwash is not recommended. This means that drinking mouthwash can have adverse effects as there are other chemicals mixed with it that are not good for human consumption either. Many rehab centers state that only those mouthwashes with no alcohol content will be allowed in.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract in small quantities can make food items taste delicious. However this extract also has a high alcohol content, about 36%. Although drinking pure vanilla extract is quite awful and can be very expensive, a desperate addict will try just about anything.

Rubbing Alcohol And Other Substances

Rubbing alcohol has also been used as a substitution. Kitty Dukakis admitted to drinking it herself as well. This is especially dangerous due to the concentration. Other substances include after shave, vermouth, perfumes, and some hand sanitizers. It's important to realize that drinking other forms of alcohol is an incredibly desperate act and is also very dangerous. Help should be sought immediately.

Overcoming an addiction to anything is difficult. Alcoholism is a common disease and is difficult to recover from. A desperate alcoholic may accidentally discover substitutes for alcohol that garner the same effects. Whether accidental or intentional it is very risky and dangerous behavior and help should be sought at an alcohol detox in FL or any other state. This will insure proper detox and rehabilitation and will get their lives back on track.  

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