Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Laser Comb,Is It Effective?

Baldness is a state where a hair loss is experienced by a person. For males, the primary cause of baldness would be the high levels of androgen called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is an androgen that develops the male characteristics of the person such as facial hair, muscle development, deeper voice and the like. Unfortunately, an excess of DHT, has negative effects on men, one of them is baldness.

Androgenetic Alcopecia, a type of baldness, is caused by excess DHT. This type of baldness is very common among men. The hair line recedes around the temples, and as the hairline recedes, hair on the crown thins. This is the type of baldness that Laser Combs promises to cure.

For quite some time now, there have been numerous efforts in battling hair loss or baldness. Researches have shown multiple responses such as Antiandrogens, Hair Transplants, Hair multiplication and many others.You see, baldness have been happening all around us since man learned to walk up straight and the battle against it has been going on just as long, that is why it is not surprising if when we hear of new treatments directed to hair loss.

One particular new treatment that has been getting a lot of buzz lately is the "Laser Comb".

Now what exactly is a laser comb and how does it treat baldness? A laser Comb is a contraption that uses low level laser light therapy. By emitting light waves near the infrared level, which can penetrate deeper into the skin than any other light, energy is injected through the skin and stimulates cells. This process by which photo energy (from light) on the scalp and hair follicles is used to energize cells is called photobiostimulation.

Photobiostimulation provides various positive effects on the body. The first of which is energizing cells. How does this work exactly?

As mentioned in Dr. Kaslow's article on Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), light is energy. When unhealthy cells are irradiated with these low level laser, the cells are re-energized and therefore will be restored. When low level laser penetrates the skin, the cells absorb the light, and the energy converted from the light restores the cells'
metabolic functions.

The second positive effect positive effect of LLLT is Circulation.LLLT helps helps increase circulation and oxygenation of the scalp and the hair bulb which are required in maintaining healthy hair.With the increase in

circulation and oxygenation, blockages around the hair bulb are cleared as well as regeneration of new cells become faster. This would lead to healthier scalp and hair and problems like dandruff and oily scalp will be less likely to occur.

These of course, are just a few of the benefits one could get from LLLT. But these are exactly the two factors needed by Laser Combs to treat baldness. By re-energizing the cells, one can grow hair again from balding areas of his scalp. and with this technology, one doesn't just grow hair, one grows healthy hair.

There is a company known as HAirMax that uses this technology. It uses LLLT to treat hair loss. HairMax is actually the first non-drug treatment for hair loss that was approved by the FDA. But there are rumors going arounc claiming that the product's claims are false.

While the product claims that it is effective in treating hair loss, the rumors say that the FDA approved of the treatment's safety rather than it's effectiveness. There has been little to peer reviews on the mentioned product and therefore only their claims and the rumors are the bases for our opinion regarding this matter.

But whatever is the truth, such a technology would be beneficial if further developed. Not only to hair loss or baldness, such treatment could cure a lot of other diseases. If unhealthy cells could be regenerated easily as just letting it absorb light energy, then this type of product surely has a future in the medical world.

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